
Harry Potter, Twilight...?

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Why do some of you prefer Twilight to Harry Potter and visa versa? I'd really liked to know. Also, a question refering to Midnight Sun, do you think Stephenie Meyer will finish the book because of the leaks? I personally think she's taken this leak a bit to seriously; yeah its upsetting but it happens to the best authors. She's like punishing them and the fans. Thoughts a views?




  1. I prefer the Harry Potter books because I find the characters more interesting, the stories are more exciting, there is more humour, and I like all the fascinating background details about Hogwarts.

    I quite enjoyed the Twilight books, especially the first one, which I found quite exciting, but I think the Harry Potter books have a wider ranging appeal, whereas I think Twilight is more geared to appeal to teeange girls, and if you are not one then I think you are more likely to prefer Harry Potter.

  2. well twilight is more romance and harry potter is more magic/action, depends on wether you like lame, cheesy, chick-flicks, with absolutly no depth to the characters, or whether you like an exciting, cliff-hanger, with characters that actually grow and have morals and a plot with real problems, no just, OMG i lOvE HiM!!!

    sure theyre both cheesy, but thats ok

    thats cause SM isnt a real writer. any SMART person knows not to give out copies if thousands of fans are willing to pay to see it. her books stink anyway so get over it and stop asking, theres a hundred of the same questions asked today, go read them, asking a hundred times wont change the answer

  3. I like them both but twilight a litle better it just so awesome i cant not like it better

    Save Midnight Sun

  4. i personally thin one of the MAIN reasons i like twilight more then harrry potter is cause edward and bella are in it. i LOVE edward and bellas characters. i also love the romance triangle stephenie created between edward bella and jacob. and i love alice and bellas friendship haha i love alice shes the best friend anyone could ask for haha. and i love the fight sequences too haha. harry potter is BLAH! and i really think stephenie is gonna stop writing it for at least a year which totally sucks!!

  5. well, i have yet to get to twilight, but i have a feeling that once i read it, i will most likely still prefer harry potter, just because that is what i knew first, it is that way with most things, people preffer what they have known longer, i have liked harry potter since first grade, and i just started ninth! so thats nearly a full decade of harry potter, as opposed to a few months of twilight, i think that is why, just a theory

  6. People prefer one book to the other because they each want different things in a story. I'm a Harry Potter gal myself.

    And Stephenie Meyer is going to finish the book. She's like a four-year-old. She'll throw her tantrum, sulk for a while, then start writing again. To see how people are taking the news, click the link below. Feel free to answer the question, too.;...

  7. Why I prefer Harry Potter to Twilight?

    Well , It's because it's a original story , it has plot , realistic characters , the author created a whole new world with the Harry Potter books.

    You have to consider ,to be able to create something original like HP , it takes wit , brains and creativity.No wonder , JK Rowling is the richest author today.

    Yes , i think SM is selfish and ignorant towards her fans. I agree with you that she has taken this thing way too seriously.

    She should have been more careful as an author.

    xx Greetings

  8. Well i love the Twilight Series and Harry Potter about equally.

    I wouldnt be able to choose between them! :))

    and No, stephenie isn't going to finish it at all, ever.

    you can read it on her site


  9. It's because everyone has their own personal tastes.

    I prefer action, and adore Harry Potter. My best friend, on the other hand, is into gushy romance that even borders on mindless reading at points (I'm not saying Twilight does this.) She prefers the Twilight series.

    And if Meyer was a real writer, then she would finish the book. She even said in an interview that when a book demands to be written, there is no stopping it. If she is upset, then yes, she should take a break so her writing isn't c**p. But yes, she is taking this much too far.

    She is kind of whining. She's had a bad month, I'd say. Between the failure that is Breaking Dawn and the bad reviews that followed, she just wasn't ready. I think that Midnight Sun was the straw that broke the camel's back, in a way. She isn't used to this.

    But still, she is being a cry-baby about it. She dealt with it poorly, blamed and guilted her fans, and has also put down fans in interviews (without meaning to, I believe.) But she is most certainly NOT the first author who has had such a thing done to them, and she will not be the last. Do other authors whine and say "I am postponing indefinitely?" The answer is no.

    I think her reaction is her way of distracting people from BD's failure, but that's just my opinion. Also, I think she really is hurt, as she should be... just not that badly.  

  10. I believe she will continue the book, I just think that she is discouraged to finish it in a timely manner because she feels that part of the releasing of her book is ruined.  The way she is talking she seems to be saying that it's just going to take longer for her to get the book released.

    I don't look at it that she is punishing her fans.  She's also trying to make a point by teaching all of her fans a lesson, that copyrighting is wrong and authors have rights that shouldn't be violated.  She's not intending to be cruel about it though.

  11. I prefer Harry Potter because, while it isn't a work of absolute genius by any means, it is well-written with a clever and intricate plot and characters who do not make me feel faintly sick. Twilight is none of that. It's easy enough to read, I can be amused by how ridiculous it is if I don't focus on how dysfunctional the relationship between Edward and Bella is, and I find it to be a brilliant exercise in how not to write, but that's about it, really.

    As for Midnight Sun, I don't believe for a second that she has thrown down her pen due to the emotional pain that has come from part of a rough draft of her book being leaked. I think she's either doing it for attention - which fans are giving her - or she's been planning to give it up for a while now and this is just an excuse. I could maybe understand her giving up on it just over this if it was an original work, because she's right, your mood does affect your writing, but she's actually copying a story she's already written, and judging from the bits of the draft I've read, Edward likes to wallow in self-pity a lot anyway, so right now should be an ideal time to write it.

  12. I haven't read the Twilight series yet, and to be honest have no plans of reading it any time soon, but I think the answer to your question is that they're too different books.  Harry Potter was originally written for boys, not that girls and boy can't enjoy the same books but there does tend to be a difference especially in the young adult market.  Whereas from everything I've seen/read Twilight is more of a romance stories which most boys are not going to get into.

    The other reality is that Twilight started to gain popularity as the Harry Poter series was coming to a conclusion so there's a bit of a riviarly happening, whether justified or not.  My reasons for not wanting to read the Twilight series have nothing to do with my love of Harry Potter but because I don't really care for romance novels.  Whether they have a supernatural theme or not.

    As far as the issue with Midnight Sun I actually understand and appreciate where Stephenie Meyer is coming from.  It's not just that her manuscript was leaked onto the internet illegally that's bothering her, it's the fact that someone she trusted enough to give a copy to betrayed her trust by posting it.  Anyone who has ever sat down to write anything will tell you that stories go through a multitude of drafts and each draft is different than the first.  But more than that you don't want your audience to see it until it's been completely edited and ready for viewers eyes.

    This may seem like an extreme comparison but imagine showing up to school in nothing but your underwear, that's kind what it's like.  I don't think that she intends to punish anyone, and especially not her fans but right now she's feeling vulenerable and exposed and she doesn't feel like she can finish working on the book or give it the attention it needs.  Authors don't just sit down and write a book a couple hours or even days.  It's a process that usually takes years.

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