
Harry Potter Fans.....did you hear???

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That they are pushing the half-blood prince movie to july 17th 2009.?

Im really mad about this. It was supposed to come at november 21st 2008.How about you?

(I dont care if you dont consider this a book question. cuz i do. But for the sake of some of you ill ask a real book question..whats your favourite book?)




  1. That's my birthday :D

  2. oh my gosh!! no way!! i have been counting down the days until november!! that can't be though, because i saw that 6th harry potter movie trailer on t.v. and that usually means  that a movie will come out soon.

    i hope they don't wait until next july. i will cry if they do.

    oh, and my favorite book? that is a really hard thing for me to answer because i have to many favorites. but i guess i would have to say that my all time favorite book EVER was The Outsiders.

  3. I KNOW!!! I'm just like "WHAT THE HECK?!" How--HOW? How COULD they DO this to us?!?!? And it was soooooo close too! I even had my outfit planned out for the opening night!! I'd just LOVE to go over to California and STRANGLE the guy who had this TERRIBLE idea!!Oh, I'm going to DIE! WHY!!! WHo? and HOW!!!!?What person would leave us HP fans hanging on until JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?! OF NEXT YEAR!!? When we were sooooo happy that it was finally going to be coming out?And the sixth is my second FAVORITE!! And now I have to wait 11 WHOLE MONTHS?? I THINK NOT! OH, i'm just disgusted!!

  4. My favourite book of all time is the One Winged Dragon. I read it in

    grade 6 and i bought it online a few years ago. It was the first book I

    ever read that was set in the city I live in and I was totally entranced

    with the idea that a Chinese man would bring the family dragon over

    from China and keep him in the well on his farm.

    As for the Harry Potter movie I wonder why they did it. I was really looking forward to it to. Did they give any reason? Usually it is

    because a/ the editing etc isn't finished b/the studio that is releasing it thinks it won't do well against other films that are going to be released at that time (I find that hard to believe with a HP movie they usually blow everything else out of the water) or c/ the studio doesn't have

    a real big blockbuster lined up for the summer fo 2009 so they are

    using the HP movie to head their less than stellar line up for that


  5. Yes I heard, why ? Exactly what made them postpone it ?

    Edit~ Thanks :D

  6. ya. If you look at one of my answers to this question, you can see how pissed off I am. This isn't the first time Warner Bros. changed the date on me!

    Last year, it was supposed to come out on my birthday, and then they changed it! ARGGGGG.

    I am so pissed off. It is all about the money. Oh, and the movie is finished, this is just for a summer release. WHY OH WHY did they release a trailer!

  7. Yeah... that's upsetting.

    My favorite book in the HP series would have to be the Deathly Hallows x)

  8. i know it's very annoying, just so they can make more money in the summer, if it's a "summer blockbuster". If it were really that good there would be no need for that!! I have sort of given up on the HP films, they don't adapt well to screen.

  9. I'm SOOOOO mad they postponed it for more MONEY.  It's practically done too.

  10. I'm ok with pushing the movie up... they need to do whatever it takes to make sure they put out a quality movie.  I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

    My favorite book(s) are: The Lord of the Rings trilogy and To Kill A Mockingbird.


    If they postponed it to make more money, can you REALLY blame them? Afterall, we see movies as entertainment... but the movie-making industry is about making money for all those involved in the movie making process (actors, props folks, writers, directors..). I know you know that, but look at it this way. Life will get in the way, as it always does, and before you know it, Summer '09 will be here.

  11. Drat. Now I'll have to wait longer to see the movie. Umm. my favorite book is Harry Potter!! Always, lol.

  12. Wow that really stinks. I have been waiting for the next Harry Potter movie for a long time now.

  13. Ugh, I know, I'm SUPER pissed too. I had it all planned out to see it in November! I just wish that they didn't release the trailer-that just makes me more anxious. GRRRRRR, they'll still make MILLIONS if they release it in November, those d**n money hungry fools.

    To answer your second question my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (I have many others too thats just one of my favorites).


    Why so SERIOUS?, they postponed it because they think they'll make more money in the summer time.

  14. Yeah, I heard.  They moved it to take advantage of the big start of summer movie's all about money!

    And my favorite book is The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub.

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