
Harry Potter Question?

by Guest60001  |  earlier

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I'm trying to remember (and I can't find it in my books) what a person is called with no magical powers when they're born into a wizarding family. Help, please?

(Not a muggle, btw.)




  1. it's a squib, like mr. flich the caretaker at hogwarts.  

  2. squib

  3. Squibs!

    Hahaa my favorite insult and everyone's like wtf?

  4. not really much point in answering as you already have about 20 correct answers. but thought i would anyway as HP rocks my socks.


  5. A squib...Filch was one, Nevilles' gran thought he was one, Everyone thought Dumbledore's sister was one, and Mrs Figg was one!

  6. a squib   pick me for best answer please  because i obviously have the most words in my answer considering the fact that your question is a one word answer. i am also the coolest person here besides you :)

    thanx for reading my article

  7. squib!!!!!

  8. Squib =3

    that sounds so cute despite Filch being one...

  9. Nope a squib. Almost as bad as being a werewolf or centaur.

  10. i suppose since you've already got 15 right answers i'll give you a wrong one to annoy you


  11. squib !

  12. Squib.


    Squib is the term applied to a child born of magical parents but possessing no magical ability; they are considered to be the opposite of Muggle-borns.[7] Squib births are rare anomalies, and the Ministry of Magic does not require them to be registered as part of the Magical Community. [7] Squibs share some things in common with wizards and they are aware of and comprehend the wizarding world. However, according to Ron's Aunt Muriel, the custom with Squibs has been to send them to Muggle schools and encourage them to integrate into the Muggle world, which is "much kinder" than keeping them in the magical world, where they will always be "second-class."

    The "Kwikspell" correspondence course seems to be something of a con-job that plays on Squib insecurities by suggesting that it can help Squibs acquire some measure of magical ability, though it never works for Argus Filch.[7]"

  13. mudblood?

  14. They are called squibs. Examples of squibs in the Harry Potter universe are Mr. Filch (the caretaker at Hogwarts) and Ms. Figg (Harry's neighbor)  

  15. Squib?

  16. squib  

  17. like flinch the caretaker of hogwarts hes a Squib.

    o i mean filch.

  18. I believe you are thinking of a Squib, which is actually defined as "A non-magical person who is born to at least one magical parent."  Argus Filch and Arabella Figg are both Squibs, as you probably know.

    You can read more about Squibs in this article:

  19. i know what you're talking about but sadly my books aren't here atm they're at my dad's house ill check the internet...
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