
Harry Potter School?

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My little brother and sister wanna play game where they are at Hogwarts and they do their classes and stuff. And they want me to be the teacher. How am I supposed to be the "Teacher'? What should I "teach"?




  1. I used to play this with my sister ^^

    Well... first off make sure your students have a pet, because at hogwarts you are allowed to have pets. (A stuffed cat or owl will do if you have any ^^) for lessons... You could do care of magical creatures, and use any mythical stuffed animals they have (unicorns, dragons... etc.) and like brush them and feed them imaginary food and stuff. You could make potions out of juices. And for broom flying practice (You may want to take them outside) get a broom and tell them to run in a certain formation, like a circle, or a triangle, or just as fast as they can around the yard. Races against one another are also fun! For spells, make some up (or use some from the Harry Potter books if you have any) and give each of your "Students" a pencil (It's a wand) and tell them to wave it in a certain formation (Circle, figure eight...) And make up fun/silly words to say while they do it.

    Haha this brings back memories :D Hope you have fun!

  2. teach them magic? and make up crappy magic spell names and get a broom and teach them to ride it like a witch or sum c**p idk ur screwed

  3. Are u serious? LOL!

    idk...make them make "potions" out of orange soda and ice science experiements, make them wands to think they are wizards/witches

    gee idk this question made me laugh! :]

  4. teach them potions and have them mix things from the refrigerator like mixing juice and soda, maybe add some food coloring.  Seems to me that they have never had a kind of potion that tasted good.  Just be careful, stay away from the baking soda!  You can also try food coloring and vinegar.  If they have some patience....days....put an egg in some vinegar.  The vinegar will remove the calcium from the egg shell leaving just the membrane to hold the egg together...okay, that last one isn't Harry Potter, it is just a cool experiment

  5. LoL that is sooo awesome. You could do science experiments - but call it mixing potions. You could also "teach" them spells and charms...

  6. You can "teach" them spells, or magical creatures (take a few stuffed animals and place them around the room. then point them out and make statements like they are really magical beings...) You can also put some water and oregano in a few cups and have them "read the tea leaves" and "predict the future"

  7. I actually used to play Hogwarts with my friend when I was younger. I didn't have an older sister to play with. (Now I have younger siblings.) We actually took some parchment-looking paper and copied the acceptance letter from the book.

    If you have leftover cauldrons and stuff from Halloween that might help. Use bed sheets or something as "cloaks." Make up silly spells and "potions." Used stuffed animals to teach "Care of Magical Creatures." Maybe teach them "Wizard Chess" or something. Good'll need that and lots of patience! Lol!

  8. you could teach Care of magical creatures and look up mythical animals an make your brother and sister learn about them. If you were a Potions teacher you could use your kitchen as the class room and make jello or some kind of edible "concoctions" .
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