
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

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2.What did Hermione do over the summer?

3.What gifts did Harry receive for his birthday?

4.What did Harry admire at Quality Quidditch Supplies and why did he not buy it?

5.Completely describe Harry’s darkest memory.

6.What are the real full names of the authors of the marauder’s map and what are their corresponding nicknames?

7.Prior to revealing himself, what were the other two times Sirius & Harry saw each other?

8.Explain how each author of the marauder’s map received their nickname.

9.Why was the Whomping Willow planted?

10.What is the true story why the shrieking shack is known as the most haunted house in Britain?

11.What was the first time that Harry’s Patronus takes shape? What shape does it take and why?

12.Explain the hippogriff incident that lead to a trial and the Firebolt incident that lead to it being taken away then explain how the latter interfered with the earlier one.




  1. 2. went to france

    3. he got a monster book of monsters from hagrid, a broomstick servicing kit from hermione, a sneakoscope (dark magic detector) from ron along with a newspaper clipping of the weasly's in egypt, he also got a hogwarts letter saying when term started

    4. harry admired the new broomstick the firebolt. he fell in love with it but didn't buy it because he thought it would be to expensive because he had to use the gold in his vault to get through another 4 years at hogwarts

    5. harry's darkest memory is of the night voldemort came and killed his family. he sees a flash of green light (the avada kedavra curse) a high pitched laugh (presumably voldemort) and remembers a sharp pain on his forehead from when voldemort turns his wand on harry. he also hears his mother saying things like kill me not harry take me instead and voldemort saying stand aside woman. harry's father said lilly he's here take harry and run i'll take voldemort on.

    6.sirius black-padfoot, remus lupin-moony, james potter-prongs, peter petigrew- wormtail

    7. sirius saw harry the night harry ran away from the dursley's just before he caught the knight bus he also saw harry at a quidditch macth harry was playing in sirius watched harry from the stands

    8. they all got their nicknames from what animal they could turn into lupin was a werewolf hence moony (from how he turns into one at the full moon) peter could turn into a rat hence wormtail, james into a stag hence prongs as in the prongs of a stag and sirius could turn into a black dog hence padfoot because dogs have pads on their feet.

    9. the whomping willow was planted over a secret tunnel to the shrieking shack. it was put their so that when it was full moon lupin could transform into a werewolf and go down their without the risk that a student would follow and get bitten.

    10. the shrieking shack is said to be the most haunted building of britain because when lupin used it to trnasform he would howl and yelp and break things in it and the villagers thought it ws the work of phantoms and rumours spread dumbledore encouraged the rumours so that the villagers would leave lupin alone when he was transformed.

    11. the first time harry's patronus takes shape is after he uses the time turner he realises he was the one who saved sirius and himself before so he does the patronus which takes the shape of a stag which was the animal his dad could turn into. it took shape because he knew he could do the patronus because he'd already done it.

    12.not sure i entirely understand this one but......the firebolt was taken away because it was sent annonymously to harry and at that time everyone thought sirius black was after harry so professor mcgonogal took it away o strip it down to check for jinxes. after finding none she gave it back to harry in perfect condition. the hippogriph incident was when malfoy wasn't listening to hagrids instructions and he insulted the hippogriph which is something you should never do. the hippogriph gashed malfoy's arm but the school nurse healed it in about two seconds but malfoy wanted attention so he said it ached and hurt for weeks. malfoy's father was furioous about the incident  and got the school governors onto the case who all agreed that the hippogriph was dangerous and so hagrid went through the court system and tried buckbeak who was found guilty and sentence to death. the only link i can think of between these two things is how harry and ron weren't talking to hermione because she told mcgonogal to strip the firebolt down because she thought it might have been from sirius black and was scared for harry's safety. harry and ron were furious because they were sure nothing was wrong with it and harry thought he'd never get it back. then when hermione told them buckbeak was getting executed they became friends again and forgave her.

    hope that helped i spent about ten  minutes on it =).  

  2. 6. remus lupin - moony, james potter - prongs, peter pettigrew - wormtail, sirius black - padfoot

    8. named for their animagus forms, except lupin/moony, named because he is a werewolf (full moon). james/prongs- the antlers of the caribou. pettigrew/wormtail - rat tail. sirius/padfoot- the soft pads on dog's feet.

    9. to hide the entrace to the tunnel to the shrieking shack, only wormtail was small enough to reach the 'off switch' on the trunk.

    10. every full moon the 3 animagus friends would take lupin to the shrieking shack to ride out his time in werewolf form.

    11. harry's patronus takes the form of a caribou because it was his father's animagus form, and his memory used to make it is of his parents. the first time his patronus takes full form is by the lake while saving sirius from the dementors.

  3. 4. The Firebolt broomstick, cause he still had his Nimbus, and it worked fine.

    6. Sirius Black...Padfoot   8. He was a dog

    James Potter...Prongs          He was a stag

    Peter Pettigrew...wormtail     He was a rat

    Remus Lupin...Mooney         He was a werewolf

    9. So that sneaky students wouldn't stumble upon Remus during the full moon when he was locked up in the shrieking shack.

    10. Remus used to be locked in there during his transformations. The sound students heard were the sounds of Remus screaming. Dumbledore kept the rumors going to deture kids from going near it.

    11. When he saved Sirius from the dementors at the black lake. A stag, his father.

    12. dont have time.

  4. 7.Prior to revealing himself, what were the other two times Sirius & Harry saw each other?

    In the ally before Harry got on the Bus and on the quidditch field, when the Dementors appeared.

    9.Why was the Whomping Willow planted?

    To hide the passage to the Shrieking Shack

    10.What is the true story why the shrieking shack is known as the most haunted house in Britain?

    Lupin would go there during the full moon while he was in his werewolf state to protect the other students from him.

  5. 2. Went to France.

    3. A broomstick matience kit, the "Monster Book of Monsters"... and something else, I forget.

    4. Firebolt (broomstick

    5. Not sure... but my guess is remembering Voldemort killing his parents.

    6. Moony= Remus Lupin, Padfoot=Sirius Black, Prongs=James Potter, Wormtail=Peter Petegrew

    7. When he left his Uncle and Aunts house and during a Quidditch match

    8. no freaking idea

    9. To cover up the enterance to the Shreiking Shack

    10. Lupin would go there to transform into a werewolf and make all sorts of noises.

    11. When Hermione and him were being attacked by dementors. A stag (male dear) which was his father's animagus.

    12. Malfoy was attacked by Buckbeak the hippogriff (it was entirely Malfoy's fault) and his father works for the Ministry of Magic so he pulled some strings to get it executed.

    Harry received a Firebolt for Christmas, it was completely anonymous. Hermione was worried for his safety and thought Sirius Black might've sent it to him jinxed. She told a teacher and it was confiscated.

    no idea what they have to do with each other.

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