
Harry Potter fans!??

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Ok my best friend LOVES Harry Potter. So I wanted to say something Harry Potter like. Like she always make Jonas Brothers refrences for me. Is there anythign I could say to ehr that would be from Harry Potter?




  1. say "diagenelly"

    It's what Harry said the first time he travelled by floo powder from the Burrow in the second film

  2. call her a muggle..

    if shes a obsessed hp fan she will protest against it..

    i always do it to my mates.

    its hillarious!


  3. just google harrypotter quotes, im sure you can find a whole bunch on there... or theres things like

    muggle or mudblood

    lol sorry dont know much about HP

  4. "Hey, that Red Toyota makes me think of how Voldemort drove off  in his silver convertible! Hahahaahhaa!"

    "Wow that guy has hairy armpits. Hey! Hairy and HARRY Potter! AHAHAAHAH!"

    "Wouldn't that be awesome if Kevin Jonas was Harry Potter instead of Daniel Radcliffe? Except he's not ugly enough."

    "How bout some quidditch, girl? I can kick yo'' ***"

    "Let's go flying on our broomsticks!"

    "Wow these bushes make me think of Hermoine's ugly hair."

    And when you get mad at her say, "Avadakadabra you filthy bloody mugblood!"

  5. MUGGLE!


  6. Bloody h**l!

  7. if you guys are studying in school or something, say "turn to page 394"

    hope this helped!

  8. quiditch = a wizards sport

  9. tell her you can talk to snakes

    then star makin all the weird noises harry did when he was talkin to the snakes

  10. Call her that one word that means non magic ppl!

  11. im watching harry potter 4 rite now !

  12. Tell her she's the Harry to your Ron.

  13. look around on the net and see if you can read the book online you might find something there

  14. they always use the terms:

    "bloody h**l"

    "bloody brilliant"

    some spells are:

    "wingardium leviosa"

    "expecto petroneum"


    harry potter

    ron weasley

    hermione granger




  15. check this website out. it will have everything you need to know

  16. Tell her...."the girl who lived"

  17. i love harry potter i am watching it right now. Its on tv lol

  18. Me & my friend have this "wingardium leviosa" joke thing. It's kinda bad... so I can't say it on y!Answers :D

    I dont even know if thats the right quote...

  19. yeah, get an life.

  20. what kind of thing are you talking about?

    just read the books their amazing i dont think the first is the best but they're so good! honestly just persevere!

  21. Harry Potter is very bad. Its witch craft you should tell her that

  22. Call her dirty blood, she must know what you means

  23. avada kadevra

  24. Sure there are plenty!

    But im sure the most famous would be to call her a Muggle (a Non magical person)

    or you could call her a Squib AKA a muggle who is aware of the existance of magic !

    if u want to be meen u could call her a Mudblood!

    ok those are just a few! hope that helps!
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