
Harry Potter question.?

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What happened to harry potter at the end of the series? Did he die? I dont read the books but there was so much hype surrounding the end of it nobody would say what happened to him. Just curious.




  1. READ IT

  2. You should read the books. I know you must get that a lot, but I did too. I thought they were horrible but then I read them and couldn't stop. I read 1-5 in like 3 weeks, and then the last two when they came out.

    They're really good books, they best I've ever read actually, and I've read a lot of books.

  3. Harry Potter doesn't die. in the climax of the last book: Deathly Hallows, Voldemort shot a killing curse at Harry from his wand, thinking that if he kills Harry, he could get all the power he wanted. But, ... But Voldemort didn't know that part of his soul was in Harry's body. so, when he shot the killing curse on Harry, Harry did not die but the soul which was actually voldemort's soul, died. Harry did pretend to be dead, though! just to fool voldemort. finally, voldemort was the one who dies..!

  4. I just realized I don't remember exactly.

    He walked into the forest and Voldemort killed him but then somehow he ended up in some sort of purgatory with dumbledore and he came back.

    By basically committing suicide he killed the horcrux that was in him so he was able to kill voldemort because he had destroyed all of the horcruxes voldemort created.

  5. It turns out Harry was a Horcrux, so he died. But since he was the Horcrux Voldemort didn't know about, by killing Harry, he cut off his last ties to being alive so after harry kills the last piece of soul inside voldemort everyone is happy.

    even though harry is dead he comes back because he still had one piece of soul living in him (his own) or something. So harry didn't exactly die, it was more like blacking out for a few minutes. but everyone thought he was dead.

    i highly recommend you read it, whether you like it after youre finished or not. its still good.

  6. He kind of died but he really didn't.  Voldy had accidently created Harry into a Horcrux when he tried to kill him as a baby.  So Harry had to sacrafrice himself so that the Horcrux could be destroyed.  When that happened Harry had the choice of whether to live or die and he choose to live.  

    He ended up marrying Ginny and the two had kids of their own who eventually go to Hogwarts.  

    It's actually a really good series inspite of all the hype and if you're into fantasy/magic good vs. evil type stories you might enjoy the books.

  7. Nah ; he lives :)

    He get married, and has three (i'm pretty sure three?) kids, &

    he keeps a look out for his god-son. He remains friends with

    Hermione and Ron. It's such a happy ending :)    ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  8. He didnt die.he married ginny and had 3-4 children

  9. Harry Potter gets a killing curse straight into his heart from Voldemort. But Harry is a Hocrux and the curse actually kills the Hocrux.

    Then Harry and Voldemort face off in what was suppossed to be the duel of centuries but was just talking and talking. Them Harry and Voldemort send a spell towards each other. Rather predictably it was Expelliarmus and Avada Kedrava. However Voldemort's wand malfunctioned and Voldemort died.

    19 years later, Harry has 3 kids with Ginny named James, Lily and Albus Severus and they are all magic.

  10. He died!..........................





    But then he came back to have just spoiled the books/movies for yourself!!!!

  11. No he didn't.  

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