
Harry and William spend £15,000 on a few drinks. Is that good?

by Guest57028  |  earlier

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they had a party with a few friends. Its nice to know that the taxpayers money is put to good use isnt it!

Harry will be alcoholic by the time he hits 30.




  1. Harry inherited a lot of money from his mother,so it is not necessarily tax-payers' money he is spending. He must have had quite a party with his friends to spend that amount. Unfortunately,if he keeps up the drinking,he just may end up alcoholic.

  2. A lot of their money comes from the money they inherited from Diana.Maybe they used that money.

  3. Look, your annual taxes to the royals are 60p a year. You get more than that out of the government so don't use that as an argument. Do you never get pissed? The places the royals can go (private and secure because people would probably try to stab them) are all expensive so hence the tab which their father probably pays for from his profits from his highly successful business: Duchy Originals.

  4. Wat do you mean by an alcoholic by the time he's 30. Isnt he an alcoholic now? I mean is this wat england pays its taxes for, royal boys to party with the hard earned money of middle class people!!

  5. Their drinks should be provided free.

  6. I'm not sure that they would spend that much on drinks in one night. I know there's a lot of talk about William and Harry's drinking but really they are no different than the average 20 something in a Westernized country. Especially upper class British 20 somethings.

  7. People who don't have to work for money have no respect for money.  It seems outrageous to people who have to work for a living to see others waste money.

  8. When will you Brits learn from the French and overthrow the royal family?

  9. Where's the proof that they spent that amount on a few drinks?. Do you mean in the space of a few hours?

    Mmmmm na.. don't believe it

    Dont'believe everything you read in the press

  10. has lots of money....means to spend them is stupid thing....i think not

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