
Harry potter movies 4&5 for a 10 year old?

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My child is 10 years old and has read all the harry potter books. She has a major obsession with them, and that's OK with me. She has seen the first, second, and third harry potter movies, which were creepy and violent. The 4th and 5th are rated PG13. That crosses the line for me - I wasn't so happy that she saw the first 3 in the first place. But she knows what happens in the 4th and 5the movies, so she reassures me that she wouldn't get scared, and there is also peer pressure. I just don't want to start letting her see PG13 movies, because if I let her see those two, it might lead her to thinking that every PG13 movie is OK..................... advice?




  1. I would say its ok as long as you see it first. As in, you go and see them and then depending on the way YOU think of it as her mother, you deside if it would be ok. Thats what my mom did.

  2. tell her that some movies are okay to watch

  3. i believe people like you are crazy. my parents allowed me to watch PG-13  movies when i was 5. I am not a psycho killer, nor am i violent, knocked up, drugs/alcohol. kids should be exposed to stuff like that so they know how to deal with it. besides, nothing bad happens in HP. trust me, its nothing she hasnt figured out yet. kids know more than you think.

  4. If she has already read the book, she knows more than the movie is going to show.  I have read all the books and seen all the movies, if reading the books is OK than so should be seeing the movie.  The movie actually leaves stuff out that was in the book.  My 9 & 10 year old boys have seen all of them and I don't have problems with them.  

    It sounds like you monitor what your daughter watches pretty close, so be firm with her that these two are an exception and she still can't watch just any PG13 movie.  My boys know that I reserve the right to say any movie is inappropiate for them regardless of the rating.

  5. I would let her watch them...IMO the third was the darkest and creepiest so far...the 4th was the best though...anyway...if she knows what is gonna happen and wasn't scared by the 1st 3 then let her see them

  6. no, depends on state of mind.

  7. why not read the reviews on the movies.when i saw them there was some intence read reviews & maybe watch a little bit of it on youtube first.

  8. The bottom line here is: what do think is in your child's best interests?  You said that your child's obsession with Harry Potter is OK with you.  Now you need to decide how much bowing to peer pressure is OK with you.  

    You know your daughter.  We don't.  Go with your gut.

  9. The movies do get darker as the series goes on, but if she has already read the books, it's not like she doesn't already know the stories.

  10. well she knows what happens by reading the books so letting her see the movie wouldnt be that much different

  11. Ok if you'r she got scare in the 3rd movie because of the werewolve of the dementors (black clothed creatuares) than my advice is don't let her see it. the book is not as graphic as the movies, here is what you need to know in the 4th movie nearly at the end some one cutsoff its hand compleatly its a quick seen but you can still see it, there is also blood involved. in 5th movie some one gets attacked by a snake and yes there is mild blood, so  you should watched with her, besides 6th movie is coming this november and she will proabably want to see that to. everybody its different at getting scare Im 22 and I still can't watched freedy cougar, yet my nice was 5 when she saw the ring and had no problems. And make it clear that the only PG 13 she is watching  are the HP  movies.

    sorry for the bad spelling I'm afraid the computer will shut off is being doing that.

  12. Well the way I see it is PG13 means, once you're thirteen you can watch them without parents. I would much rather begin viewing this genre before 13 with them, so that you can discuss it as it goes. If it gets to intense, pause it, talk about the acting or film shots and so on, to remind them it is just a movie.

    There is no s*x scenes in HP, except for one little kiss....which would be much more of a concern for me.

    Try not to overparent her, or she might take heaping gulps of this stuff when she finally does get the chance. Like kids deprived of all junk food.....when they go to parties they will sneak cake they found in the garbage can into the bathroom.

    Plus, you let her read the books. How insulting not to be able to watch the movie!

  13. I wouldn't say the 4th or 5th movies are any scarier than the third one was...the third one has been the darkest of the series so far, in my opinion (and I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan)...I think you should let her see them, seeing as she knows what happens in the books anyways...the books actually have more information on what happens than they show in the movies.  She's wanting to see the movies because she's a fan and because her friends have all seen them, but if you're worried about the whole "other PG13 movies" thing, make it clear to her...she's allowed to see Harry Potter 4 & 5, but that's it for PG13 movies until you decide she can see them, and you don't want there to be any arguments about it.  Tell her that the only reason you're letting her see the movies is because she's read the books and basically knows what's happening...and naturally, every PG13 movie she wants to see, she won't have read the book, so she can't argue that point with you.

  14. First of all pg13, not such a huge deal. second  I was that age when I saw hp4 and what scared my friends didn't scare me because I had already read the books (and trust me the books are much scarier.)

  15. I dont think they were scary at all.  My 9 year old watched them.  PG13 is a guide only.

  16. I'm with you -- I told my 8 year olds that after #3, that was it.  (btw -- I thought #3 was a big disappointment.  It strayed way too far from the book and skipped so many good and funny/light parts!)

    I would rent #4 and watch it by yourself and then you'll know if you should let her watch it.  I'm assuming you saw the other 3 movies and you'll be able to compare.  Only you know your daughter, and if you see it and don't think it's that much worse than the other movies, then go ahead and let her watch it.

    That's probably what I will do.  But we were so disappointed with #3, that my kids aren't as gung ho to watch #4.  Although I'm sure that when we finish #4, the pressure will be on!  I will definitely watch it first before letting them come close to it.

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