
Hartz Flea Collar For Cats & Kittens Question?

by Guest59785  |  earlier

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Ok.. so baller, my kitten, JUST turned 12 weeks on Saturday so we went to the store and bought the hartz flea collar put it on her... and i totally forgot that she does this weird l*****g thing. she Lifts her head up.. and puts her head down and licks her neck... comparable to where our sternum would be... but that where her collar is now, could she get sick by l*****g this? =/





  1. Take the flea collar off your cat..not only are they useless in getting rid of fleas but they can actually poison your cat.  Use a effective flea treatment such as Advantage or Frontline, and stop wasting money on harmful flea products.  

  2. one word about flea collars.


    sorry, they are pointless you are better doing a monthly treatment.

  3. Oh no.   That's bad for the kitty!  It's pesticide!  Those things are a waste of money anyway, but that's just my opinion.  I've had pets all my life, and I've found that any of the flea drops (not the store-bought ones, but the one's you have to get from your vet) are the ONLY things that work.  Anytime that I've tried flea collars, I've actually found live fleas taking up residence under the flea collar.  It's a great place for them to hang out since kitty can't scratch them.  :)

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