
Harvey's squirrel grip.....did he do it?

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St Kilda dual Brownlow medallist Robert Harvey could come under scrutiny from the AFL's match review panel after being accused of grabbing Western Bulldogs star Jason Akermanis's testicles.

I can understand why Aker would go "nuts" at this....

If Harvey had any "balls" he would own up

10 points to the best pun





  1. Physically impossible to grab the testes of someone who has none.

  2. He asked Aker to cough, just to make sure everything was alright.

    Maybe with winter approaching Harvey needed to store some "nuts" for  winter.

    Maybe Harvey wanted to feel what all the fuss was about.

    With Aker regularly doing handstands, you sure it was his nuts and not his brain Harvey was searching for.

  3. Ross Lyon said: "Akermanis is nuts, take him out."

    Harvey is so old his hearing is gone, and he thought Lyon said: "Akermanis' nuts, take them out".

    And the rest is history.

    Or at least his story - I don't think Harvey is (a)that desperate(b)that silly as to jeopardise his last season..

  4. You've heard of a Harvey Wallbanger right?

    Well this was a Harvey Ballgrabber (sorry the best I could do at short notice), beside Akermanis is a nutter anyway - Harves was just confirming that.

  5. I thought it was Aker that was under scrutiny!

  6. No, he didn't do it.

    It was just wishful thinking by Acker, I reckon.

  7. yep, he did it, akers reaction is proof enough for me, no one it was accidental, you cant mistake that area for being a footy, not even if he hung like johnny holmes.

  8. i dont think Harvey is that kind of player

  9. I hope he squeezed them real hard and made him squeal Aka's good at that.

  10. its pretty hard not to miss a bulldogs nuts

    (I thought you said i had to pick up knackers)

  11. Actually it was only one t******e he grabbed. The whole crowd saw it too, Harvey grabbed Aker and the crowd went up as one......"BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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