
Has ANYONE bought the Matt Adams Telekinesis Report? No opinions on TK just if someone has bought the report?

by Guest66876  |  earlier

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If anyone has bought this report please share your findings. Is is a joke or a hoax? If not what are the contents of this report? What are the effects? Please respond if you have any valid information at all. I have been at this for some time now..




  1. My uncle Sidney bought the report.  Shortly afterwards he disappeared and all that was left was an elongated hole in the ceiling of his bedroom . . .  went straight thru the attic and the roof.    All we found, was a slightly tattered copy of the 1972 issue of Playboy,  with the centerfold open on his pillow.

  2. I have searched high and low.  All I can find of this guy are commercial sites.  However, it's not listed at Amazon or any other independent site, so I would say this guy is suspicious at best.  He uses all the tricks of the informercial and the side show carney.

    Somebody else asked this question earlier:

    Good luck.

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