
Has ANYONE heard of this band?

by Guest65017  |  earlier

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I love this band, but no one knows of them.

I can almost guarantee that 80% of you will hate them.

WARNING: This is rock.(:




  1. Yes!!! I love Wolfmother.  

  2. Don't guarantee that all of us will hate them. Your not gods gift to earth that discovers music that nobody's heard of. I bet a billion people have heard of wolfmother.

  3. I LOVE Wolfmother

  4. I love wolfmother! hey do you like modest mouse or death cab for cutie?

  5. Wolfmother is one of my favorite recent bands.  They already broke up though about a month ago, which sucks.  Andrew Stockdale, the frontman, is continuing the band though and making a second album.  The two other guys are doing their on musical projects.

  6. I've heard of them.  Haven't listened to anything except 30s on iTunes.

  7. indeed i have and indeed i like them.  

  8. I saw them at Cochella in 2006-you are far behind in the game!

  9. I have now. :) And why the warning? Rock is great.

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