
Has Al Gore's global warming scam been revealed?

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The same volcanic eruptions that sundered Greenland from Western Europe and created Iceland also triggered intense global warming 55 million years ago, scientists say.

“There has been evidence in the marine record of this period of global warming, and evidence in the geologic record of the eruptions at roughly the same time,” said study team member Robert Duncan, an oceanic scientist at Oregon State University, “but until now there has been no direct link between the two.”

Read the whole story here:




  1. Sadly no, there are many people who will blindly believe in global warming no matter what scientific evidence arises to the contrary.

  2. Yes.. but the sheep don't like science much.  And so they just continue to accept what he says without thought.

  3. Oh wow, 50,000,000 years ago eh? I guess that pretty much smashes this whole 'scam' (which apparently involves every single scientist still working today) to pieces, doesn't it?

    Tell you what, when you find something that is actually relevant to the science behind *modern* global warming theory let me know.

  4. Although auto emissions seem to contribute to this dilemma, I've long believed that global freezing and warming is cyclical and that it is nothing more than a natural turn of events for the earth to bear.

    Do you remember when the northeast was saturated with spring snow storms that blanketed the cities? Many people then questioned the global warming concept so preached by Al Gore.

    The leftist agenda is still strong and will remain so--unfortunately.

  5. Al Gore is two things - an opportunist and a capitalist.  A scientist he is not.  The big question for people to ask themselves on this whole topic is not who is saying what, but what do they have to gain by saying it.  Al Gore made a lot of money and got a Nobel nomination for what he's been saying.  Does that make his claims true?  NO!!.  Gore is generally believable because he was a politician (read celebrity) and politicians and celebrities would never lie to us.  Now here comes John and Teresa Kerry with their Global Warming book.  I've always found an interesting link between Al Gore, the Kerrys, the Heinz philanthropies, and Dr James Hanson, who Gore likes to quote, who by the way is a recipient of funding from the Heinz charitable trust of which Teresa Kerry has control.   There is so much evidence showing what a scam this all is that there's no room to note it all.  By the way, the IPCC can't make up it's mind on what they believe so they can generally be discounted.

  6. The climate can be changed by natural events. However the amount of change is a lot less substantial than the change we are experiencing now. Since the start of the industrial age we've been releasing more carbons into the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 that we produce is much more than natural events alone could produce.

    So, no... Al Gore's global warming scam has not been revealed. Al Gore didn't invent global warming or start any scam. It never was a scam in the first place. People don't like to believe what they're hearing about global warming but it's time to face the facts.

  7. In tying warming to volcanic eruption, which is possible, one must actually have a period of major volcanic activity.  I don't think that you can say that we have in recent history - just the typical number of scattered eruptions.  And how does vulcanism cause warming anyhow?  By spewing CO2 and other gases into the atmosphere.  Have we been seeing a source of CO2 spewing over the past few centuries?  Assuredly!!  How about billions of tons of carbon compunds being pulled out from underground and set on fire each year?

    Think twice before calling this a scam.  Our practices are a little hard to ignore.

  8. Here's the latest summary for three decades of climate research, it speaks for itself:

    For those who haven't kept up with the research, this is who IPCC is:

  9. Let's ignore the majority of scientific minds on a matter than could spell the end of human civilisation, because every so often some mad theory pops up that global warming is a joke and we really shouldn't have to pay attention to it, phew.

    the last sentence of that article reads "Our species might achieve in 100 years what took 100,000 years to happen naturally. And if the PETM is any indication, Duncan said, it will also take our planet about that long to recover."

    but, y'know. why bother reading the whole article.

  10. There are a few skeptics with theories.

    But the greenhouse guys have an overwhelming database saying it's mostly real and caused by us.  So the vast majority of scientists (and others) think so.  It's not Al Gore's data, it's the whole scientific community.

    The best summaries of the data, short and long.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

    Calling the vast numbers of scientists and clearly intelligent and informed people who know global warming is a fact "ignorant" is, well, ignorant.

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