
Has America (The United States) turned into a conformist wasteland ? ?

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Has America (The United States) turned into a conformist wasteland ? ?




  1. Yes, as long as the criminal Elites and big fat corps. threw a bone in front of them to chew on they'll never wise up and rise up against their masters who've been using them like little slaves working ants.

    Surprisingly they think they are free?


    As long as they posses this BS attitude of I'm OK, the h**l with rest they'll be in the same rat hole for ever.

    Sorry if you got offended, I mean no harms.


  2. Well I don't think so.

    First, we have help our allies in Iraq, which have shown quite the improvement.

    Second, we research some of the best alternate energy's, and use them.

    Third, we don't cheat in the Olympics.

    Fourth, we rely on 50% of coal or even less.


  3. Half of it wants to, the other half keeps fighting.

  4. I hoped it was just the Texans because it is the biggest/fattest state.

    Its happened in Britain too but where they are all too busy to take note as they work to live with the higher cost of living due to dept from America for arms/weapons/nuclear powered subs which are capable of carrying WMD's. And no doubt will be coaxing Britain to purchase some more as we speak or have done so already is my guess.

    And now Americans have to pay a tenth more for stuff we hear some of them complain I know some very decent Americans who are livid at what America has become.

    And maybe most of them hate the regime? But few dare to question a police state which is effectively under Marshall Law anyway, for fear of being put in one of those concentration camps being built all over the States.

  5. Trust Me, they are working hard at it.

    Beleive it or not, they are the ones that deny Socialism, yet want/demand it that program hoping it will aliviate their dimm witted life.

    This is what the DARE Program was about - under Reagan.

    "We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders." - President George Bush 1991  FILM

    So Clinton Followed suite, for he saw the Profit

    and so the saga continues and will continue..

    No Child Left Behind- set a national standard and eliminate free thinking capacity as evidenced - a program initiated in the 80's.

  6. 50% that voted for the Bush second term. They are blind, can not learn,can not think, can not do anything right - complete waist of space.  

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