
Has America lost its marbles and its memory???

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Didn't we have utter corruption when Hil & Bill were in the White House the last time. We are in a much more fragile state now which requires an expert on National Security not a wacko with a huge ego and an Anti-American agenda. What recourse will Americans have if the wicked witch gets in and turns her back on our soldiers and our security to promote social agendas that will only bankrupt America?




  1. I never saw any corruption, really. I saw some **** about s*x that I really didn't need to know about nor did anyone else. The only thing it exposed is that in this day and age those things can no longer remain hidden like they once were.

    Also, "Anti-American"? If you could only hear yourself.

  2. Open you eyes. Today's corruption in the GOP & the present administration is far, far worse than a BJ in the oval office.

  3. Disclaimer: I am a registered independent with my main political objective to oppress the socialistic nature within our ever growing government.

    No, we didn't have utter corruption but it was bad.  Like most people I didn't care about Monica but lying under oath and pressuring a witness were both very wrong.  I have a problem with his negotiations with China which lined the Clinton's campaign coffers and propelled China two decades ahead in missile technology to the point they have already made veiled threats against our West Coast.  I have a problem with Clinton handing Kim Il Jong (sp?) millions of tax dollars in NK to promise not to develop Nukes and now we see he was just buying a temporary victory with our tax dollars.  I have a problem with him turning his back on terrorist after several attacks.  I have a huge problem with the press ignoring the Echelon program that allowed wiretapping without warrants on US citizens but they plaster the front pages with corruption stories when one side of the conversation is a potential terrorist outside of the US.  Throw this in with the various 'little' scandals involving pardons, travel office, FBI files and there was enough corruption to give me pause.  However, Bush and the Republicans have not exactly been squeaky clean either; especially in their handling of the illegal immigrant issue.  Not that I necessarily agree with the popular opinion but there was a huge outcry from the people about the 'pathway to citizenship' bill and it was killed.  Bush, with a few other congressmen/women, continually tries to pass this bill in part or full under different names.  The shameful growth of the federal government under his leadership considering he was elected by a strong component of conservatives is in itself corruption.

    I believe Bush looks cleaner to many on the right side of politics because he has been wrongly accused of so many things that people overlook what he really has done wrong.  The economy has been great since 2002 and the current downturn is as much a creation of the constant negative stories as it is the sub-par mortgage scare.  Halliburton has been given no-bid contracts by every president going back to at least President Carter.  Global Warming does not deserve the type of money being called for by Vice President Al Gore and the environmentalist because it is too new for that type of knee jerk reaction (remember in the 1970's we were heading into the next ice age).  By most comparative statistics Hurricane Katrina was handled pretty well but was still a horrible crisis that had its problems but only Monday morning quarterbacks are perfect and that is debatable.

    I won't vote for Hillary because of her obvious Marxist leanings.  As for potential corruption, you have a bunch of pots and kettles calling each other black.  I will never forgive the Republicans for not giving the nation someone better to vote for and I'll never forgive the Democrats for making me defend Bush because of their need to criticize everything in their rush for power.

    And since I saw many people talk about taxes:

    1 - The taxes that are talked about when we are speaking of the federal government is usually income taxes of which the poor pay none to very little; therefor, a tax cut to the poor does not mean anything.

    2 - The top 50% of wage earners pays something like 98% of the taxes for this nation even after Bush's tax cuts.

    3 - The reason tax cuts for the wealthy work to stimulate our economy is because generally the wealthy know what to do with money to make more money.

    4 - When you take money from corporations the people lose more than the corporation.  Jobs are lost/investments are lost/capital opportunities are lost/grants are lost/research and development is lost (this is where you will get all those environmentally safe power supplies from).

    The most wealthy are obligated to pay their share, please don't get me wrong, but please don't get carried away with this media driven idea that only the wealthy benefit from tax cuts.

  4. What were we talking about?

    Sorry, George beat anyone else to bankrupting the United States. Well except for the Department of Defense and their contractors. Yes, the defense industry has prospered. But our security is still very much in question because of open borders and our 'tollerence' of illegal immigrants which has further enraged good hard working Americans that would do any job if only paid enough to do it. So we take our hard earned money that is worth nothing anymore, and we go and buy items of questionable worth that were made in China. When we call to complain of their quality we are forced to try to talk with someone that can speak English in very broken East Indian dialect. Yes the big companies have been given quite a long lead to bury the hard working Americans (except for the war mongers). I pray that this will end very soon. My dream is that those that preyed on us that believed in them will be tried for treason.

  5. You view the world in black-and-white terms like this, yet you call yourself "Free Thinker"

    There's a disconnect somewhere.

  6. the clintons downsized our defense force big time. Bush is taking the blame for what bill clinton failed to do. Clinton took away medical care for military retirees that was part of the career pack. He did the g**s wrong by instigating the do not tell policy. Do not forget him pointing a finger and saying" Listen to me people, I did not have an affair with that woman. That lewynski woman". He used her then trashed her out. Where was he when the draft was going on and he did not serve. Will he bring his canadian mistress to the whitehouse with him this time?  Should the leader of our nation sit some sorta example for our youth?

  7. Both parties share the blame for the mess we are in.  Between the two of them they buried us.

  8. Oh you have me started now.  Most Americans are not stupid.  We know that Hil & Bill and Bush are just the symtoms of the problem.  I think they are all corrupt.  They get away with what they do because they all work for the same rich and powerful people.  Did you know that when Bill was in office he and the congress gave the top income bracket  a tax cut of 8%.  It dropped their tax rate from 33% to 25%.  This was followed by Bush's present of another 5% tax cut on top or that to lower it to 20%.  We have janitors and teachers in this country paying a larger percentage of their earnings into taxes than the multiple millionaires and billionaires do.  Now Bush wants to pass an economic incentive program to stimulate the economy and perminately do away with the inheritance tax so that they can keep all of the billions that they have stolen from the taxpayers by manipulating gas prices and running the money presses.  I wonder how many of our congressmen and senators will pass it without reading it, like they did the Patriot Act??

    I, like the majority of Americans, spend most of my money on fuel, housing, and food, all of which increased in price over 9% this year.  The people working for us in government have seen fit to delete these items from their cost of liviing index because "the prices are too volitile".  If you believe the government, our cost of living has gone up only 3%.  Our dollar was devalued more than that.  Of course its hard to know what is happening when all of the TV stations, radio stations and newspapers have been allowed to be controlled by only 4 corporations that are involved in other conflicting interests.  Ron Paul and Kucinich are victims of this set up.  The citicens of the U.S. own the air waves. Not FOX or MSNBC. They are supposed to give fair and unbiased reporting of news events, not manipulate them. Trying to knock canidates out of the election by trying to deny them the means be heard in the debates is not American and should not be tolerated.  Thank goodness for the internet.

    It would be nice if "We the people" were able to chose our leaders rather than have them handed to us and be told who we have to vote for.  

    Speaking of voting, what about these new voting machines that have no paper trail to audit or verify voting results.  Can the people in states that use these no audit trail machines like S.C. or TN. believe their election results? It seems to me that it would be a very convient way to manipulate votes and not be caught. No wonder we are not happy with what we get from our "elections"......but what do you do when our government is the best that money can buy especially when its already been bought!

  9. Yes, many Americans have traded their marbles in for that promised pot of gold from the government. But nobody seems to ask where the government is gonna get the gold for all of us year after year. "Let our neighbor pay for us!" is the mentality. But who's gonna pay for our neighbor's needs? Or do we even really care?

    Have we turned to Uncle Sam instead of God? I think so. They'll probably replace 'In God we Trust' on our currency to 'In Uncle Sam we Trust.'

    They've already replaced wisdom and common sense for the lie that the libs can save us all and when anything goes wrong it's because of Bush and the conservatives.

  10. Yes . I think you are right.   I knew this several years ago when the response was "It is the economy, stupid".  That let me know right then that many Americans don't care about anything as long as they have their houses, cars, and money to go out to eat.    America is already bankrupt in morality.   Our financial bankruptcy is inevitable.

    We heard recently that a lady said she was going to vote for her only because she was a woman.   That's not a sensible reason to vote for the leader of our country.

  11. Wow...I was beginning to wonder where the normal people went in this forum.  THANKS FOR THE FACTUAL REMINDER.  Unfortunately, the truth can hit a liberal over the head and they'll simply smoke some medical mar iguana, document a few UFO sightings, and STILL VOTE FOR A HILLERY.

  12. I don't see it your way. The use boomed during the mid 1990s after getting rid of Bush's wimpy father. Clinton did a lot while in power considering that the congress was full of right wing nuts. Don't forget that the Republicans controlled the house while Clinton was in.

    Are you really happy now with a collapsing economy, more debt than ever, and a h**l of a lot of people around the world who look down on the US? Are you happy with a devalued dollar and out of control immigration? These are what the right wingers did for America. For the past six years, the congress has been controlled by the Republicans and its had its own model Republican running the white house. If there are problems in America now they are completely a result of Republican policies. You can't deny this.

  13. IRAQ no weapons of mass destruction, IRAN (should have been hit not IRAQ), up to 8 million jobs lost to off-shoring and outsourcing, Halliburton. No child left behind program blew chunks, the environment appears to be taking a turn for the worse (the US isn't on board with the rest of the world, cash is reason) and we have the worst foreign policy. Ya Bill was a cheater but considering the issues that Bush has left the next president, it will be a tough job for anyone. Bush admits IRAQ becoming the next Vietnam and just so you know, here is the current federal deficit which is -248 billion dollars and when Clinton was in it was a surplus of +263 Billion dollars. We are bankrupt now so.... ya who ever takes the job is in the hole. Good luck on your choices. We need a president that can unify our nation, what party you stick with should not be a deciding vote. We are headed for tough times people.

  14. Americas making choices,may she make the choices we will be able to live with.

    John Locke said :

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWhat worries you, masters you.”

    "The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts."

    John Locke quotes (English Philosopher who made great contributions in studies of politics, government and psychology. 1632-1704)

    "No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent." -

      --  Abraham Lincoln

  15. duh...what coruption?  Oh do you mean that bill got caught doing what nearly every politician is guilty of?  Or do you mean the g*y rights the clintons advocated?  do not forget that chaney'sdaughter is g*y. who advocates for her.  also, bush is a known drunk, his twins are loose moraled, .  ect.... Not to mention, when clinton was in office, it was no problem to get a job, now you can't beg borrow or steal a job.  taxes are higher, people are dying in a sensless war, ww3 is looming ahead of us (bush is sooooo excited!)  need I go on?  grow up or join the real world!

  16. In 1998 Bin Laden was interviewed and he said that the hasty retreat from Somalia and lack of response to all the other attacks showed him that Americans lacked the will and resolve to fight and thus he could attack as he pleased and even defeat America- Is that the message we wanted to send? Doesnt matter, that is the message he got and we are doing it even today except this president isnt holding back because the people have lost interest- Hopefully the next one will stay on top of things as well instead of going back to the old way

  17. Solar Power,Electric cars possible at any time. Cheaper power no high oil rates. Corruption will always be here as long as Human Supremacist Attitudes not rejected. Attitudes include Suicidal Greed,Wars Global  Warming. Reject Attitudes as racist on part of humans and corruption, money for bribes becomes less legitimate.

  18. In general, we seem to be a nation of children. We are concerned with instant gratification, and we have very short attention spans.

    If an issue isn't effecting us now, it becomes irrelevant.

    Considering this fact, that we cannot remember much of anything that happened 10 or 100 years ago, and we refuse to learn from history, or the experience of other nations, it's amazing that we are as well off as we are.

    We are very much like children.

    The only good thing that can be said about our collective mentality is that like children, we are selfish, we are full of optimism, we believe in ourselves, and we don't believe in NO.

    Sometimes, children are amazing in what they can accomplish, because they don't know any better.

    Perhaps these characteristics will get us through once again.

  19. stop being a right wing tool, and think for your self

  20. Sometimes I think it would be better if we picked the president at random. Like a lottery. We couldn't do any worse than we are doing with system we have now. The rich and only the rich will rule. Now they've made a dynasty game out of it.

    They've bastardized the constitution so badly the founding fathers wouldn't know what the h**l the supreme court was talking about were they to stop in for a listen.

    I am not at all pleased with our Republican scum either. But, given the choice between another republican and Comrade Hillary or ANY of her democrat comrades - I certainly won't vote for a democrat communist. Even if they put me in a re-education camp.

  21. Wow, someone who hasn't been brainwashed!  Cheers!

  22. The only place you're fragile is in your own brain. The reason the US is in so much trouble is because it looks for it. Stop putting soldiers in the Middle East and trying to hardnose oil companies into low prices and start looking domestically WHY the oil is necessary. If privatisation stopped ergo for medicine and transport and tax cuts for the top 1% of Americans stopped (cos they really don't deserve it), then there would be enough money to research proper alternative energy sources and get out of the Middle East. Ditto for cutting excessive military spending, more money being wasted there too! That's why the US is in Iraq, just about oil. The US has been there since the 1950's, when the US put the Shah in to stop Iran from nationalising it's Oil industry and taking corporate profits from US and British companies.

    Anti-American would be sending troops into a pointless war built on personal vendettas and making money for big companies. It would be risking the lives of young Americans so Mr Haliburton can make a quick buck off everyone's misery.

    The only way the US will go "bankrupt" is if the US keeps stuffing the pockets of corporations. The UK spends a third of what the US does on healthcare yet delivers it free to the entire nation. A true Republican likes efficiency...the mess the system is in now is costing a substantial percentage of what it takes to provide services. The cost of having people out of work is wasteful too, perfectly good Bob and Nancy can't work because Bob can't afford to get a knee operation and is stuck at home and Nancy can't afford her Prozac, so she is 70% less efficient than she would have been. Bang, less profit, less tax for government, less money to spend.

    Stop lining corporate pockets with tax dollars and the US will NEVER run out of money.

  23. Finally someone who knows the truth.

    Just a note about who helped Bin Laden...

    1979. One of the American intelligence community's biggest operations and initially considered a major success was the funding of the Mujahedeen (Islamist fighters) in Afghanistan and their training, arming, and supplying. The program was initiated under Carter and greatly expanded following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December 1979. Under Reagan funding reached levels of $600 million/year. It has been said that part of the Mujahedeen trained by the CIA later became the core cadre of Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda Islamist organization

    Hey, I guess Reagan's plan ended up backfiring. This is a lot like the Republican who touts gun ownership then sees his son get killed by a firearm in an accidental discharge. It's funny this just reminded me of d**k Cheney's hunting skills. I wonder if Cheney is the only vice president to shoot another human being while in office? Is he?

  24. Here here!

  25. Economy must be the top priority of the would be President so that China will not take over as the no. 1 superpower.

  26. that isn't as important as hillary being the first woman president. why do you think the women all come out for her? why do you think they voted in swarms for  her woman abusing husband??? why is the media not playing up the tell all book Her Way???why are they not playing her racist comment toward obama on matt lauer the day after the nh primary??? because the media and women have decided together IT DOESN'T MATTER.  like how it doesnt matter how hillary snafued flu shots, perjured herself during travelgate, has broken federal fund raising laws a man would be in court for,  has not created one job in NY yet, and on and on and on...

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