
Has America lost the passion for driving?

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Cell phone drivers, Driving big SUVs/Trucks, driving hybrids around. Enthusiasts and non enthusiasts please respond...




  1. No, because I own a converted 1992 Honda Accord electric car with solar panels on the roof and a small propeller in the engine to make electricity when am moving though the air. no more gas bills forever!!!!! I still have a passion for driving.

  2. well, with gas at close to $5/gal (in calif.), i'm 15 and have close to no desire to learn how to drive, simply because i doubt i'll ever be able to afford itnd a lot of people i know are pissy about the gas prices, even my parents, so i'd say, yes, people are too mad about how expensive it is to really be passionate about driving. aside from long-time car enthusiasts, that is.

  3. I luv to drice and go for rides but with the gas going to 4.25 I've down sized to a smaller car but I'm still driving around

  4. I think gas prices has alot to do with it.

  5. wow gas sucks for you guys in omaha nebraska gas is only 3.70 the highest was 3.89

  6. What do you mean, "read the question"? You need to adjust your attitude. America never had a passion for driving. Many PEOPLE in America have a passion for driving, though. Cell phones cannot be driven, so cell phone drivers really don't exist outside of your head. I like to drive, but I am not "passionate" about it. You need to sit down and thingk about how to re-write your question so it makes sense.

  7. yes. it's gas prices. where i live, we're looking at $4 a gallon

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