
Has Andrew Bynum ever made a shot that wasn't a dunk?

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I've seen a few of the YouTube highlight reels posted by his fans on here. Every single hightlight is a dunk. Does he have any post moves or shooting touch to speak of? Or is he just a 1 dimensional dunking machine? I've heard Kareem has been tutoring him. Are we going to see him unveil a skyhook or is he going to stick with the get ball, dunk ball strategy?

I'm sorry, I didn't really have the opportunity to see him play much last season. He only played in 35 games before going down. But, apparently those 35 games were so impressive that he is being lauded as one of the league's top centers and a future all-star. Hopefully all these lofty expectations being place on his 20 yr old shoulders won't hinder his development. Fingers crossed.




  1. Last time I checked, getting the ball in the hole was all that mattered. Guess that isn't good enough anymore. Howard dunks all the time, yet he is considered one of the best centers today! Bynum at least has some post moves!

    Check the hate!

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  2. Hook shots. I have heard Kareem has been tutoring him and that Bynum actually developed a miniature version of Kareem's skyhook... So we'll see how it all pans out during the season.

    Besides, Lakers pick and roll is Bryant getting an open jumper(making it msot of the time) or Bynum getting a dunk.

  3. another question about the Lakers huh Corey?

    Yes he shoots a baby jump hook...and guess what it usually goes in. Thats not the only post move he has. C'mon even if you haven't seen much of him why are you asking this silly question when you KNOW that Kareem has been teaching him all sorts of moves Including the SKY HOOK(Although he said he's scard to ty the SkY HOOK cuz his balance isn't that great yet) .

    Most of those highlights were from last season(07-08) but if you look at his sophmore season games(2006-2007) You'll see he shoots.

  4. Yes, I think he shot free throws.


  6. I did some shot that were not dunks once he tried for 3 Pointer it was Hilarious and Phil Jackson was not apparently happy lol

  7. Yes, but very rarely. I don't think he'll be all that good next season.

  8. fingers crossed

  9. nope but he has shot a three before he was pretty close for a center.

  10. Well, highlights are made of dunks so you basically see nothing but dunks.  

  11. I have seen a few jump hooks here and there, but the reason for all his dunks is because Kobe finds him under the hoop with one guy pinned behind him, why not dunk it? its the highest percentage shot in the game of basketball!

  12. i havnt got to see him play that much either but if he can take it to the paint and get 2 easy points then why not stick to that

  13. haha. i never thought of that. nice.

    but usually the highlights are dunks....but all i've every really seen bynum do are dunks, come to think of it.  

  14. yes he has  

  15. Yes, Bynum has made a shot that wasn't a dunk.

    I take it you've never seen that shot?


    Hey, I got myself another delusional fairy.  Apparently fans of Chokobe's are also fans of mine.

  16. He is incapable of making even a 3 foot shot.

  17. I don't think he has. He has definitely eaten more egg rolls than made free throws. As you can tell...*cough*  fatty.

  18. Apparently,no.

    It's kind of tickling my funny bone how they said that Andrew Bynum is the next Shaquille O'Neal (stop laughing,I'm trying to make a point).

    I guess Lakers' fans are tugging on their "last hope".

  19. he has made many shot i have seen the whole season. I heard he is very very close to the skyhook shot. Imagine that.

  20. Im sorry, but a highlight reel of jump shots aint as fun.

    EDIT: Yea.  I havent watched much of Bynum either and the only play i remember from him is a matter of fact a dunk when he dunked on Shaq.

    I think hes more of a all post kinda guy.

  21. jump hooks

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