
Has Any One Seen The Gas Prices?

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Im serious this is starting to get ridiculous. I live up in Massachusetts and just this morning it $3.49 as I was my uruusall I bought my pepsi and the guy was putting up new numbers for gas up to $3.52 Is this insane or what? Suppose to hit the $4 mark by this summer? How are we going survive? Food prices sky rocketting. I take lactaid milk last year $3.59 and this year $5.79? What are there no more freckon cows? The economy is somewhere near depression and global warming is in sane. In Massachusetts it has never been 85 degrees in April more like 60 but just three weeks ago it was 30 some where? Yesterday Massachusetts was warmer then South Carolina...Im only 14 and I am really into this. My question is America is to busy building bombs that only cause destruction and trying to find the speed of light and blah blah blah. Your telling me they cant find a alternative fuel? These d**n polititions care about money more then our lives? Please give opinions =)




  1. We pay $3.49 now at our cheapest station and I've been looking up alternatives such as pedicabs and segways and converts to electric cars, but truthfully the idea of walking and biking everywhere is very appealing to me.  The problem most of us have is that we have allowed ourselves to set up residence in the suburbs, far away from our urban centers.  It simply isn't feasible for me to walk or bike to my nearest supermarket.  Especially with a toddler and newborn!  There's no way my husband could bike to work.  His job is a 60 mile round trip.  The nearest place I would consider walking to is the local gas station and thats about 4 miles away!  If gas ever does get really high and no alternatives are come up with, we in the suburbs are going to be screwed.  I like the idea of getting passenger trains running again, but there doesn't seem to be much talk of that.

  2. i live in wisconsin and gas prices are 3.65!

    one of my brothers teachers says that if things keep on going the way they are, gas prices will reach $5 by the end of summer... :[

  3. here in california, we are approaching 4.00.

  4. Once the retail price of gasoline gets to, maybe, $5 per gallon and stays there, then we will start to make some headway on our overconsumption of petroleum.  Then perhaps people will start to buy more sensible vehicles and stop squandering a finite resource.  And why do you think we are building bombs that only cause destruction and have a larger army than most of the world combined?  To defend our interest in the oil producing areas.

  5. And let us not forget that most of the higher food prices are because we're shipping more corn, wheat to out best friends, the Chinese. And a good portion of the corn crop is now going towards ethanol which means a higher price for the people who raises chickens, hogs, pigs and cows and hence higher prices for us if we want to eat decently.

    Oh yes. Our government is still paying farmers not to grow certain crops each and every year which is a waste of our tax money that could go to other resources.

  6. Wow those prices are crazy and I thought Ireland was bad prices are going pretty steep here too. Although the price for one litre of petrol (gas) here is €1.25 which equals almost $2, the prices are beginning to get dearer. I'm 14 too and if this keeps on going I can't imagine what it will be like when we're older trying to make a living.

  7. I wish my gas WAS only $3.49. I just paid 3.79 last time, and it's gone up since then! Which is why I started looking into where I can buy ethanol for my car. Seems the nearest supplier is about 85 miles away. So my choice is live with gasoline and hope somebody local starts selling alcohol, or buy a still and make my own, difficult on the small property I live on.

    Waiting for the gov't to 'fix our problems for us' is a fool's game. It's time to start creating local co-ops to make our own ethanol.

    Why are YOU worried about cows? They create more CO2 than your whole family. They're best eaten and reduced to more managable numbers. Unless you like cheap meat.

    America isn't about building bombs and 'trying to find the speed of light'. Open your eyes. INDIVIDUALS have the right to study what they like. If YOU want to improve your life, drink water instead of fake milk and take control of your own life.

    The gov't really doesn't know what's best for you.

  8. No it’s not insane look at the price for a barrel of oil, I’m going to bet it’ll be more like 4.50 a gallon. We will survive by driving less, and using less fuel. Driving smaller cars, etc. Food costs are directly related to fuel prices, how do you think the food gets to the store? It’s driven there by trucks, and someone, you, has to pay for that fuel. There are plenty of cow, and the economy is no-where near a depression, and don’t get me started on global warming, if you want to buy into a bunch of bad science go ahead, but I’ve been through the population bomb, you know we were all going to starve, silent spring, were DDT was going to kill everything, the new ice age, on and on, every 10 to 15 years they come up with something that’s going to kill us, but we might be able to stop it if you give me money. Trust me I’ve see it too many times to be fooled again.

    I and hate to tell there is already in the works an alternative fuel, private companies, not the government, have already built test plants and at the scale they are working at they are producing fuel at about $20 a gallon, but these are only small scale test plants and the cost should go down low enough to be competitive. Even the government studies have show would could produce ALL the fuel we need plus. Look up algae oil

    Also don’t forget the job of a politician is to get re-elected, not to watch out for what’s best for us.

  9. It's just more evidence that we need to move away from our reliance on the system as much as possible.

    -Start encouraging people and yourself to walk and bike more. If more people start being pedestrians instead of drivers, than cities will put more emphasis on pedestrian friendly development

    -Start encouraging people and yourself to plant gardens and grow your own food. It can be done anywhere! Backyards, vacant lots, windowsills, etc.

    -Start encouraging people and yourself to eat less prepared foods from restaurants and cook your own. Organize a group of your neighbors into a food buying co-op and start buying things in bulk to avoid high prices and high packaging of smaller quantities.

    -Start encouraging people and yourself to eat less meat, eggs, and dairy. They are more expensive and require more resources to produce than vegetable matter, and are often less healthy. Consider raising some of your own chickens if you have the land.

    The cold hard truth is, that we are clearly seeing issues on a massive scale and the old ways of thinking that we can just sit around and wait for a politician or scientist to hand us a solution on a silver plate just aren't going to work anymore. We need strong grassroots local action NOW. We need it to protect the environment, to rebuild our broken communities, to protect our health, and to take the power back from those who would use that power for profit and destruction.

  10. You are not very informed or very good with words.  You know absolutely nothing about the markets.  Switching over to other fuels takes time and lots of money.  If we would to switch over in 5 years the economy would fall apart like a house of cards.  A switch would probably take 20-50 years to become energy independent.  Solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear, tidal power will be able to produce the majority of our electricity in the foreseeable future.  I see plug in hybrid cars becoming the norm and algae biodiesel being used for freight.  Guess what is partially responsible for driving up food prices, ethanol and biofuels which are touted as alternative fuels.  Listen in school and read the newspaper, try the wall street journal if you can get a copy every once in awhile it will help you to better understand the stock market and the economy.

  11. yeah i just drove by the gas station and now its 3.79!!! this is crazy.  I live in IL.

  12. The real funny thing is Bush has oil all over, he owns it in Texas and what not, talk about money hungry. People are dependant on gas so without it, were do we all where, its like no one can take their time to just stop driving their cars around for a day, it's like impossible. And food prices are high because they think their lacking the certain item but truth is there just MONEY HUNGRY!

  13. I agree with you 100% and I think that someone has an alternative fuel solution somewhere but the rich people making all the money from this oil problem we have are keeping it a secret so that they can keep making more money. Gas prices here in Miami are at $3.63.

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