
Has AnyOne Thought About Adopting Children/Child/Babies From India?

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There are loads of Children In India, who wants loving Parents.




  1. I have.  I just got back from working in an orphanage in India.  This orphanage was considered one of the best.  Some of the things I saw there, I can't even talk about.  Those kids need homes NOW.  People who say "but there are kids in the US who need homes first!" are NOT understanding what it means to be truly abandoned.  In America, we have a system to take care of orphans.  It's a crappy system, but the children in the system are not starving, dying of exposure, being sold into prostitution, or being left to sit in urine-soaked rags for hours.  They may not have homes, but they do live in houses.  They are being taken care of by a network of people, even if that can't possibly compare to the love of a family.  Sadly, not all children as so lucky as to be an orphan in America.  The children I worked with in India were practically just babies, but they were loving and not handicapped in any way that love and proper nutrition and medical care wouldn't fix.  In a few years when I'm ready to have children, I will be adopting, and India will be considered.

  2. I think adopting is great, however there are plenty of children here who need to be adopted. You can go right down the street and find overflowing childrens group homes and adoption agencies, you dont need to go to a different country. I think taking care of the children here who need loving parents is a more pressing issue. Children are abused, hurt and abandoned everyday right here in the US. People shouldn't try to be trendy by adopting foreign babies, we need to take care of the problem here first.

  3. There are a lot of children in America who want loving parents.  No child asked to be brought in this world but since they are they deserve to be loved and cared for.   I have considered adopting but I won't go out of my country to do so.   Sorry there are just to many cute and adorable children here that need love and good parents.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, only people in India can adopt. If I'm wrong then i think you have to be of Indian Ethnicity,

  5. awww i think its a great idea i always wanted to adopt a baby from india cuz they are so cute adn adorable and its better fro the baby to grow up with a healthy family then to starve or be alone..i think people need to adopt more babies from 3 world countries like romania or india..i hate how romania wont let any one from america adopt romanian kids becasue its against there rights or religion but i really like hem babies they need it

  6. India seems to have a problem with s*x-selective abortions right now. You see, it is becoming so expensive to provide dowry monies for daughters now, that in India it has become common practice to have the baby's s*x determined and then abort if it is a girl. This, of course, will cause demographic problems twenty years down the road.  Of course, I'd like to adopt a baby girl from India who might otherwise have been aborted! Unfortunately, I am not really in any economic position to do anything right now.

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