
Has Anyone Else Experienced This???

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My husband and I are ttc and have had no luck. my hubby just had a sperm analysis and we get the results tomorrow. anyways...I'm starting to wonder is maybe it has something to do with me as to why we dont conceive. my cycle is 24-26 days long, but I usually start getting cramps like i have my period anywhere from 4 days to a week before I actually start my period. my b***s start to get really sore at about cycle day 15 and it lasts until my period ends which is cycle day 6 of the new cycle. and when i say hurt I mean hurt. I'm wondering is these are symptoms of any bigger problems that could cause me difficulty getting pregnant. any help would be great.




  1. Those all sound like normal symptoms of PMS. We all worry that it could be us when we're having trouble conceiving. It's natural to feel that way. If everything comes back okay with your husband's sperm, maybe you should go to a fertility doctor. A lot of times it can be something simple like taking something to help you ovulate. Don't worry until you know something is wrong. It may just be taking a while, or maybe you're not ovulating when you think you are and it's throwing your baby making off. Good luck!

    EDIT - I used to have cramps a week before getting my period too. They were always pretty bad, sometimes making me stop in my tracks. And my b*****s used to get tender about a week or so beforehand as well.

  2. I agree that terrible cramps can just be an unfortunate symptom of PMS.  I know a girl who gets them from the day she ovulates until the second or third day of her period.  Have you been tested for endometriosis?  Sometimes that can be the cause of the extended cramping.  Or it could just be your body's reaction to the progesterone that is released after O.  The hormones are likely the culprit for your BB pains as well.  Some women are just more sensitve to the hormone shift.  Good luck on your hubby's SA & I hope you get your BFP soon!

  3. does this happen every month ?  May be you are pregnant and just don't know it yet..

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