
Has Anyone Else Noticed That This Election is a Joke and a Sham?

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We are presented with a choice of corporate candidates, each spewing what their constitutes want to hear, sort of like a Roman circus.

The Republicans get promised more tax cuts and war profits that only the super rich will enjoy and the Democrats get promised healthcare reform that they will never see.

Why do we continue to delude ourselves and fail admit that our democracy or republic is a joke? That it is a rotten and failed system that must be rebuilt from the ground up?




  1. not at all.

  2. blame the media

  3. Yes......especially now that Palin has entered. They were trying to capture HIllary's votes and I think it will backfire. WRITE IN YOUR OWN CHOICE!

  4. Good point, but at least Obama believes strongly in unity - the ONLY way to rebuild this country.

  5. There's always Communism. In a country of 330 million, who's going to miss 20 million or so dead Americans standing up for freedom?

  6. Because it is easier to continue believing the lie - that this system will work and can benefit the United States then it is to admit the truth.

  7. I agree 100%!! It's all false promises, and I think we need leaders dedicated to the nation and the people to rebuild government!

  8. I have ever since a certain Jr. Senator became the front runner and everyone started dropping like flies...  

  9. Vote Obama 08

  10. That's why we have to stop allowing the dumbocratic party to run

  11. Only on the Democrats side

  12. Don't you get it? It's all about power and money. Those canidates are just puppets in the big scheme of things.

  13. What people don't realize is that the President is just a pretty man to stand up there and its the congress that really run things.... for the president to get anything approved congress has to approve it....  So we should get the morons out of congress....  I might be a republican and vote McCain but seriously if I had a better choice I would vote for it....  It just shows in the long run what our country has become when we have these people running for office and can't even concentrate on there issues just bashing one another and there familys....  Once again America looks stupid in the eyes of the world.

  14. It has been that way for the last 50 years.

    Same old c**p

  15. Knowing that you would not want to be a hypocrite, like those you describe, and knowing that you see the US as a failure... when is your flight? Did you choose to emigrate to a warm climate, or a cold one? Are you fluent in the Language of your new homeland? Enjoy your new Freedoms... oh, wait...  

  16. you're right, while both candidates are capitalists (one nakedly and one thinly veiled), there are still significant differences. the way i figure, at least one of the candidates believes that there are issues of social and economic justice in this country while the other one thinks that those issues don't exist and that in fact we need more militarism in our dealings with the rest of the world. while they will both uphold capitalism and will never challenge its dominance in our political process, at least there are some significant differences in other areas. at any rate, it's just one vote. you don't have to campaign for either of them hardcore. if you keep working towards political change outside the party system, then you can stay true to yourself.

  17. No.  I got $600 from a tax cut--I must be super-rich!!!

  18. People complain about Obama giving tax relief, but when everyone got their stimulus checks we were excited. The one time extra money we received is what the rich republicans have been putting in their pockets for the last 8 years. Its time we get our fair share and taxes are paid equally.  

  19. If you generally accept your remarks as correct, then it seems to me that a sincere candidate for the Senate or House would run on a one issue term limits platform.  The issue connects with both liberals and conservatives in my casual conversations.  I have had the experience of friends from either party being elected to our state legislature and I tell you:  after the first month in session, I cannot get a plain and simple statement of their opinion on anything.  Not just political issues. Which football team do you like kind of trivia.   Members are congress, as a general rule are removed from office by the grim reaper.  Term limits, please?

  20. You are not forced to vote for either, you can opt to vote for someone like Bob Barr or even Ralph Nade, heck you can even write in your own name, imagine that.

  21. And the ones before this one weren't?  Um - it's par for the course in America.

  22. Yes it is. The only thing you can do is vote for the lesser evil.

  23. Go McCain/Palin!

  24. I'd prefer

    Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader over any of the candidates the NEOCONS and DEMALQUECRATS offer.

    Thank you.

  25. Ahh....sounds like your sudden enlightenment has immersed you in a pool of cynicism. When was the last time that national politicians truly worked for their constituents and were focused on doing the people's work? The answer? Never, and it's our own fault.

    Let's face it, we are all human and naturally become very corruptible when faced with the opportunity to earn big money and power. Especially, if we have the level of narcissism it takes to be successful in politics. The only thing that keeps politicians in check are us, the voters. But, we fall for their line of c**p every time and fail to do the proper research it takes to make intelligent voting decisions, because we are either too stupid, don't care or are too busy. We get what we deserve.

    I say it's worth taking a c**p shoot on Obama rather than betting on the guy who's in bed with more lobbyists than any presidential candidate in recent memory.      

  26. This has been going on for years.  Elections are a joke!

  27. The Federal Government has become like a mighty octopus, squeezing the life out of the citizenry.  It feeds on money, grows in size to acquire more money, and realizes that money is power.

    Ronald Reagan truly wanted to reduce the size of government, and he made some substantive changes.  What we need to realize is that once a government entity is created, it lives on in perpetuity.  People in government don't dare touch certain programs because the press will villify them.

    Hence, what we need to do is take part of the decision making power away from the government so that our elected officials don't have to make the hard choice between doing what is best for the country and getting re-elected.

    To accomplish this, the following must be done:

    1)   A balanced budget amendment must be passed.

    2)   No more "earmarks" (unaccounted-for spending) given out by Congress

    3)   At every Presidential election, the candidate must produce a list of the ten most important goals he wants to accomplish.  At the end of his term, every newspaper must publish the results: did he fulfill his campaign promises or not?

    4)   The press must start showing self-restraint, like it did back in the days when it knew of JFK's infidelities with Marilyn Monroe and others, but had the decency to allow JFK to fulfill his duties in office without the circus that greatly distracted other Presidents like Clinton.  If the press doesn't stop micro-analyzing and only writing bad-news stories, then no good candidates will ever come forth.  As it is, only someone with the most bland of personalities or backgrounds has a chance of winning.  Do we really want more Gerald Fords and Jimmy Carters?

  28. Is this your first election?

    People say this every election. If whatever party was fully allowed to operate on their platforms they were elected on without congressional votes or filibusters it just may happen. However in a majority rules it not always so easy. They sure try but the other is always standing in the way to avoid it from happening. It is the way it has always been. If we built it from the ground up and redid it so it may be easier to pass legislation things would change from each extreme every 4 years.  

  29. Maybe you should move to a new country or join the political community.

  30. Yup, it's all a sham run by the BILERBERG group, New World Order, etc. etc. etc.... check out and and prepared to be blown away.

    Watch "Terrorstorm," "Esoteric Agenda" and "Endgame"'ll explain everything you're asking and more!

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