
Has Anyone Else Noticed This About Dominance?

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It is really interesting to me how with a dog, if they feel that they are the dominant force in the home, that it actually teaches you a lesson in how to handle yourself over all as a person in your day to day, say, with friends, relationships, family ect ect. It sort of goes about as a guide to how to be enforcive on a non-verbal level (and I dont mean in an abusive manner). I would love to hear what other people have found to be especially helpful while establishing dominance in the house. I adopted my German Shepherd from the animal shelter, and he is 2 years old and I was his very first owner. He was raised in 1 animal shelter, then when he was older he was scheduled to be euthanized, so a no-kill shelter adopted him, and he'd been living there ever since, until I adopted him. So he took a bit of time understanding the rules, but he is starting to learn where he is allowed in the house and where he isnt (like on the bed and couch and bathrooms). Any great advice would be appreciated.




  1. Hello, Ihave three dogs myself, Bully, Olde Enlish Bulldogges to be exact (stubborn dogges!)  I found a website you may or may not heed. but please check him out,  He has multiple german sheps...he does SERIOUS working dog trainig....though this might/or might not be for eveyone.  But if you learn most of his training and adapt/ adjust them to a "family" pet you maybe able to come to a solution.  I have  and they do work, he teaches woring dogs ie: police and self defence but for family pets you can adjust the structure a tad and get yourself a great , well disiplined pet.

  2. I think the human is just a follower in the house if the dog is dominate. I think once the human takes over as pack leader then there are personal changes with day to day life.  

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