
Has Anyone Ever Gone Backpacking On A Bike?

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Has Anyone Here Ever Gone Backpacking On A Bike? If You Have, Have You Got Any Tips? Thanks




  1. Yes, went to Ireland on bike with a tent, it was great but I would say best advice is pack as lightly as you can.  You really need a light weight tent and cooking equipment etc. Waterproofs too. Take only essential clothing, a fleece for warmth cos it is light and will dry quickly.Walking/cycling shorts (no jeans) Plan your route and take a map, carry enough water to last until your next supply, make sure you have access to a shop for supplies near where you camp to save carrying heaps of food. You will also need basic tools for minor repairs and spare inner tube. You should take sun cream as it is easy to get burnt if the weather is good.

    Like I say, you need to carry a lot of stuff so the lighter the better.

  2. Yes, I've gone backpacking. Two important tips -- (a) carry enough water / food, and (b) carry a first-aid box, a navigational map & a cell phone.

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