
Has Anyone Ever Noticed that during conversations....?

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during a Converation the People involved seem to Not even Listen or "care" about what the other person is saying and they are both..only waiting to tell their side of the story

for example John says"my car broke down today" and Sally replies "oh yea?... well MY car has been making a wierd noise"

seldom do I notice a follow up question of genwuine concern.. it reverts back to themselves.




  1. Welcome to human nature.

    So what's your point?


  3. I will admit, I am guilty of that myself. Its not because I'm selfish, or trying to monopolize the conversation, its that, usually a few words into it, I know where they are going with it. I have had similar experiences, and sometimes, I just can't keep my mouth shut. However, it doesn't mean that I don't hear them, or that I'm not listening. I can do two things at once. Coming from a large Italian/Irish family, we all do it. Each one of us would be involved in at least two ongoing conversations, and completely listen to what everyone was saying. I know, not everyone gets it, but, really, that's whats going on - with me anyway.

  4. " John says" my car broke down today" and Sally replies "oh yea?...

    well MY car has been making a weird noise " . . .

    Perhaps sally cares more than you know, maybe you and she ought

    to get together over dinner and talk cars . . .

  5. It's called human nature.

  6. Neither John or Sally in your example asked a question. They both made a statement. There are two types of questions you can ask. A closed question or an open question. A closed question and you will just get a yes or a no reply, but asking an open question you are asking the person to explain, so then the reply will be longer.

  7. good point my friend

  8. Sally's response is not necessarily selfish. I think she has replied using what Freudians call Free Association. John says car and her mind automatically seeks for "car experiences".

    Most people are unaware and their responses are purely of the knee jerk type.

    An aware person would have said: Really? Do you need transportation? or Were you able to solve the problem? And take it from there.

  9. Some don't ...  

  10. You make a good point. people are so caught up in themselves, they think the whole world revolves around them.

  11. Yes, you are right

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