
Has Anyone Ever Used This Product To Treat Pink Eye?

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My 6 1/2 year old daughter who has been sick with a virus for the last week just woke up with pink eye (Poor baby).

Before anyone offers the ever-so-brilliant advice of taking her to the doctor, rest assured that I just did that - yesterday (Of course, BEFORE the pink eye symptoms started) and am waiting to hear back from him today regarding this newest issue. In the meantime, I just wanted to know if anyone has used this product and what the effects (Did it work?) were.





  1. The pink eye is probably the same virus as the one she had.  My daughter gets pink eye occasionally from the cold virus.  This kind of pink eye needs no treatment and goes away in a day or 2.  This kind of pink eye usually has very little discharge where the contagious pink eye usually occurs in both eyes and a lot of drainage occurs.

    That medicine does not treat pink is supposed to relieve some of the symptoms.

  2. No, I didn'y even know it existed,Thank You for posting it,one of my twins always gets eye infections,and the fact that this is homeopathic is great,I'm going to try it!

  3. Really nothing ......frequent handwashing .try cleaning with sterile water and sterile cotton ball .Let the virus run its course not allow children to share toys etc . clean all items ,,,and by all means do not send your kids to school. ~THERE IS NO CURE FOR A VIRUS ,,,therefore nothing to treat pink eye ,,,,only ways to help prevent it for m SPREADING .

  4. YES...I son Erick got Pink-Eye from one of the competitors during a Wrestling tournament last year...I used's a Homeopathic..I use alot of their natural products and I love took a few days to clear-up and his eye got a little redder for a few hours...but the outcome was good!

  5. no i go to the doctor and get proper antibiotics i will never trust any so called medicine thats bought over the counter

    dont risk your childs vision go to the doctor and use the meds they prescribe

  6. POOR KID!

    I hope she feels better  . . . soon!

  7. Yes I have used it and it does help but she may need the midicine anyway. They also have earache relief drops for kids and those are great too until you get to the DR.

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