
Has Anyone Ever seen a Alien, Or Demons etc? Do They Exsist?

by Guest34290  |  earlier

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Has Anyone Ever seen a Alien, Or Demons etc? Do They Exsist?




  1. All depends on what your drinking.

  2. if you believe in angels, religion and god, then yes, you believe in demons. Demons are fallen angles. Aliens, however, i doubt...

  3. I have saw a UFO. That is all.  

  4. i saw a ufo once but i do beleave there are aliens .

  5. It seems very egotistical of us to believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe so I would have to say that yes, I believe aliens exist. I have never seen an alien but have seen a light in the morning sky that I could not explain.

    As for demons, I also believe they exist. Thank goodness I have never seen one...although my ex-husband would be a close second...

  6. oh yeah dood i see them all the time.

    i actually had a party with a couple of aliens last night

  7. Aliens, thats a definate yes. The universe is infinite, giving everything a mathmaticaly infinite chance of happening. This means that anything that can ever possibly happen is happening, has happened, and will happen. The only thing seperating us from them is distance.

    As for Demons, I'm not so sure. Nobody knows what happens to self-awareness after death, after all...

  8. Yes, and there's a vid on youtube agout real ghosts,demons, and spirits. Though I've never seen an actual alien unless it's on SciFi, I've seen a UFO and I also know someone who has seen a UFO before too.

  9. Aliens and demons exist. You cannot see a demon though, they are a type of spirit and thought. Aliens are not on Earth at this time, but if you would like to leave a message, I will give it to them next time they visit.

  10. think about there has to be life out there wher not the  only one

  11. Alien no Demons yes there is such thing as evil spirits here and loving ones that passed on here! And yes they do exist here!

  12. As for Aliens, just as INS.  They see them all the time. :)  Didn't you know the government is behind the whole alien mess/cover-up? Kidding.  Kidding.  The only Aliens I have seen, apart from movies, are from Mexico, so I can't answer that.  But, depending on where you go, you can become an alien, so...

    Demons do exist, in a sense.  They do not have bodies, but they still exist.  One type has never existed in a human form and another was once a human, but has since moved on into the next realm.  Both are, by nature, evil.  They also belong to the same "creature" or "being," that is often called the Devil or Satan.  However, the image of a horned man with goat's feet and a tail are incorrect.  It is an interesting subject to study, be very complex and can be conflicting.  It is my favorite study in religious subjects.  

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