
Has Anyone Heard That Some 28 U.S. Cities Plan To "Turn Off The Power" For An Hour On 2/29/08?????

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I just heard from a friend at work that last night on the news here in Chicago he saw that we plan to cut the power on Feb. 29th for an hour. I guess its to reduce emmisions for the day or something, who knows. I just wanna know if anyone has heard the same thing. I personally, dont believe that the US would be that stupid. BUT if it is true I wanna be ready because I am gonna be going shopping if they do. Also, if you know of any website that confirm this, let me know.




  1. I find that pretty implausible. The legal suits would bankrupt the city that did so.

    Does the city know where every person on a ventilator or other life support system relying on electricity lives? Nah, I didn't think so.

  2. yeah , i have heard that also, i think it has something to do with the leapyear.

  3. Urban Myth spun out of fact. The truth is that chicago and twenty other cites are going to shut of exterior lighting on public buildings.

    Urban myths spin out because people go for the sensational and maybe also have low reading comprehension. They distort and confuse the facts.

  4. That is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard.

  5. So what! i think its not a big matter, experience the situation few decade back.  Enjoy the power cut.

  6. I hope it's not Miami I keep my AC on freezing and I hate the heat!

  7. its called earth hour. its an optional thing. but its in march

    This happens in your home or your workplace at 8pm (your local time) on March 29th WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD by simply turning off your lights, your TV, your dishwasher, your heating or a/c. You don't have to be in Toronto (they won't let me not put something in that spot) or a major city to participate.

    Last year, on 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney (Australia) businesses turned off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. This massive collective effort reduced Sydney’s energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for one hour.

  8. It'd be a great way to increase the city's population...New York City had a record number of births 9 months after a recent blackout...

  9. happy leap day! would not be surprised if it happened there... I used to live somewhere that before a tropical storm hit, the government decided to turn the power off for the ENTIRE ISLAND... then after the small storm blew past, NOBODY KNEW how to TURN the dang power back on!  This is no LIE. It was Puerto Rico like 3 years ago...

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