
Has Anyone Heard of Ashworth College?

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This is an online college that has many options of degrees for someone to get. i would like to take get my teaching degree and I have the ability to get it through this school. Once I get my degree, I will be allow to teach up to 5th grade (which is what I want). Has anyone heard of this school? also can someone tell me what type (s) of degrees I will need to be a kindergarten through 3rd grade teacher?




  1. I would check to see if the school is accredited as a highly qualified teacher education program by your state's standards... if not you should probably not go for it.  In Ohio, even if the school claims to be accredited in this or that, if it is not accredited with NCATE, it does not matter.  I am not saying that Ashworth is not accredited in something, but maybe not in the eyes of your state's department of education.  The school'd listed address is in Georgia and I already checked Georgia (on the website I listed below) and Ashworth is not on that list.  You can click on your state and check too, but I think it only goes by the state the program is based out of.  Your best chance would be to check with the nationally recognized site below and your state's department of education... good luck!

  2. Are you sure it is Ashworth College? I've heard of Ashford College, and it seems to have a decent reputation.

    As far as teaching for elementary-aged children, you should probably enroll in a program that focuses on that age group.

    Based on my research, there are many programs available for you, depending on the subjects you wish to teach (mathematics, reading comprehension, etc).

    Walden University has a program for students from birth to 3rd grade.

    Also-- do you have your bachelors and are seeking a masters, or are you just looking for a bachelor degree?

    This site seems to be a good reference. Check out the Walden program I mentioned.

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