
Has Anyone Heard the New Metallica Song?

by  |  earlier

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I heard it on the radio the day it was released and decided to give it a chance (even though they've been dead to me for years now). I heard the first minute and a half and cringed. It sounded like Until It Sleeps. Later on, I heard that tail end of the song which is when I hear the sweet sound of shredding. I don't know what to think of this new song. To me, everything from Load til now SUCKS. But those last two minutes might have saved it. Anyone else feel this way?




  1. i hate it. i think they will never be as good as they use to be.

  2. they should give up on metal & go do country or glam but, what on earth will impressionable youngsters listen to? you know the ones that need others to think for them!

  3. it sux

  4. i just listened to it and must admit, i thought it was alright! is there a whiff of '...and justice' in there or is it my imagination...?

    i think you can rank me with the many fans who still love the 'oldies' but became disillusioned after the black album.

    ...sounded to me much better than anything else they've come up with in the last few years...

  5. Ya mean Cyanide?

    DUDE! That song's awesome!! C'mon!

  6. I think that either they should hang it up, or James should go back to drinking.  

  7. Yes, i don't like it. They are going to be here in Tulsa soon and i think the radio station i listen to just plays their new stuff to be on the band-wagon. Groan....

  8. I thought it was decent. I didn't exactly cringe, but yeah it wasn't great either.

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