
Has Anyone Seen The McCann Files and Changed Their Mind About What They Think Happened To Poor Maddy??

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I have now seen the disc and had a very good look through.

I am absolutely now convinced that Kate And Gerry did not kill Maddy by accident or any other way BUT.........................

They left her night after night alone in the apartment and some Bas**rd got to see this by looking for uncared for kids and took Maddy.

I dread to think what the poor girl has been through and i feel sick wondering about it.

I hate to say that whoever took her, will not have DARED keep her alive because of the publicity, that kate and gerry craved for from the beginning that was thrown around the world

BUT lets pray i am wrong about that

Your views please?




  1. I have said all along that they have been stitched up by the Portugese police. I lived in Portugal for 7 years, and know the minds of these rather spiteful people. Had it happened in another Country, I would have to admit I too would have been in 2 minds as to what really happened on that night, but knowing the Portugese, and what they are capable of, I never doubted the word of the McCanns for a split second.

  2. The only thing i was ever certain of was them leaving the children night after night after night while they went out, by doing this they left them self wide open to such stalking.

    I have no idea what really happened to her she could of woke up and wandered off who knows, but the way they left them unsupervised it invites bad publicity I'm afraid :)

  3. These files only reinforce what I have thought since day one., Maddy somehow died in that flat 5A are the McCanns know what happened.The McCann camp have more spin than a washing machine and their prime aim is to devert attention away from themselves. Eddie and Keela are the best dogs in the world but unfortunately their actions have been poo-pooed.They hold the key to this case but unforunately they can't speak. Innocent people do NOT act the way this pair have.They have obstructed the investigation, refused to co operate with the investigation and intimidated the key witness and ridiculed the PJ. Not the actions of loving, caring, innocent parents.

  4. If you are so convinced of their innocence would you please explain to me how the cadaver dogs Eddie and Keela detected 'death' scents from many sources including the clothing of the Mother, her keys and 'cuddle cat' which was promptly washed.

    Dogs do not have the ability to lie -  humans do.

  5. I'm glad you've changed your mind.  Of course they shouldn't have left their kids - but to accuse these parents whether or not you think they were neglectful of killing their child, refrigerating her then carting her body around was in fact to repeat a well worn word - ludicrous.

    The very very sad thing is that whoever snatched her has got away with it and will abuse and probably murder other children.

    They craved the publicity to find their daughter - it was clear from early on that the pj weren't going to.

  6. Paul you know I love you but you are worse than a woman for changing your mind.......:))

    However I'm pleased at last you see some sense. Stay on the fence, the splinters dont hurt after a while.

  7. nope i have not and will not change my mind, sorry! also, how many pages are in the files? you have only had them for one day? how do you get a 'good look' at 20,000 pages(at least) in just one day? sorry not trying to pick, but you can't have a good look through that many pages in just one day.

    Edit er indoors lived in Portugal for seven years and found the Portuguese spiteful and know what they are cabable of?? d'ya wanna enlighten me? I lived there for 6years and not once found them spiteful.. maybe you get treated by people in the manner you treat them?? lol!! imagine staying in a country with people you disliked for seven whole years ... ever heard the saying "life is too short"??? I know full well what the Portuguese people are cabable of ...compassion being one of them.. mind they don't suffer spiteful people to well.. that could of been your downfall eh?

  8. who put the Mc cann files together

    how do you know they haven't been altered or tampered with or things taken out or added ?

    i don't trust the whole thing its scandalous , i trust the Mc canns the least

  9. dixie 58  the benet ramsey 's have recently been cleared even tho the poor mother had died?

    would it be too much to ask of people to pray for the child and hope that she has not suffered and could be re-united

    i know it is hardly possible but it would be good to pray for this

  10. Well some references to support all that would have been useful.

    No I haven't changed my mind.

  11. i hope every day they can find her alive , but hopes have faded i blame the portugeese cops they had not got a clue , anyone can see gerry and kate were lovin parents ok they made a mistake which will haunt them 4 the rest of there lives but whats done is done i know if they could turn back the clocks maddie would be with them now , i think they are suffering enough without people blaming them evern more , i have 2 kids and personally no i would not have left them but every parent diffrent it don't make them bad people they made a terrible mistake and if the portugeese cops did summat sooner then maybe they would have found her i too also think the poor little mite is prop dead let hope im wrong and it would be wonderful if they could find her lets just hope and prey that maybe just maybe , and lets keep a thought for the parents and twins too as it must be a terrible time for all  

  12. i haven't changed my mind about them sorry there is no concrete proof that proves their innocence  just a lot of unanswered questions.

    same as jon benet ramsey

    same as trenton duckett.and most recently caylee anthony.

    at least jon benet ramsey had a proper funeral even if there has been no justice for her either.

    some one somewhere knows the truth and should tell it.i do not believe anyone has truly been excluded on any so called dna evidence i think it is just a red herring thrown in the mix to throw the guilt elsewhere cause the truth lies closer to home.

    GOD will judge what men think they do in secret is known to GOD and cannot be hidden.AMEN!

  13. do you spend your days going round supermarkets with a compass stabbing all the food in the aisles to make it bad?

  14. No. And I would find it impossible to read and absorb the thousand of files in one day. The more I read the more I am sickened and I have no doubt in my mind about who is guilty and fully responsible for the demise of that poor unloved and unwanted child. Dogs don't lie but people do.

  15. I have never thought that they had anything to do with her disappearance. yes it was foolish to leave the kids alone, but do you not think that they haven't thought that themselves a hundred times over? It is not the mccanns fault that some sick b*****d decided to abduct their daughter, no matter how you look at it.

    i do unfortunately share your view about what has happened to her. I don't think the person/people involved would have kept her alive, but like you, i pray to god that i am wrong.

  16. They are far from in the clear, the investigation has been shelved, not finished

    Your words.Retraction?

    I never doubted for one minute that they loved their daughter with all their hearts.

  17. Clap Clap.

    Do you know Paul, I came to this conclusion a long time ago, too. Glad you have finally.

    Does this mean you will stop with the apprentice Dave s talk?

    They didn't harm her ~ they loved her.

    They are not the bad guys here ~ someone disgusting took that child.

  18. I haven't but I am surprised by the amount of sightings that don't seem to have been followed up  

  19. i dunno wot to think anymore its all confussing. as a parent i would never leave my daughter alone no way. i hope that one day she can be found safely but with this world full of sickos who knows. but ill still keep hoping  

  20. let me put your fears to rest paul ,,,where Madeleine went on the 3rd /may 2007 is a place where she can not be harmed anymore, the child has passed and her parents are to blame

  21. I've never heard of anyone going through that much info in a "day", you must have genius behind your name.

    As for the person who accused the Portuguese of being spiteful, you must have been living in another Portugal is all I can say.

    I haven't read all the file but what I have and what I know doesn't paint a pretty picture where the Mc Canns are concerned.

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