
Has Anyone Taught Themselves To Play The Acoustic Guitar?

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i really want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. has anyone been able to teach themselves using a teach-yourself guitar book or something like that? or would lessons be better? thanks!!!




  1. My dad is teaching me.

  2. i have basically taught myself how to play. it was hard yet fun at the same time. the downfall was that when i actually was able to take lessons, i wasn't doing what i was supposed to be doing. i learned chords and could play songs but my hand was in the wrong position and so forth. but Go for It!!! and have fun!!

  3. Learning from scratch is better. I would look up guitar tabs on the internet at websites like

    Or download powertab..its free.

  4. If you want to be really good, lessons are a good idea. They will teach you proper technique from the get-go. If you just want to jam with friends or be a casual player, you can totally teach yourself.

  5. NOOO dont get a lesson if you listen to john mayer and c**p like that Go to it has tabs that tell you what fret to push down and when its really easy ive benn doin it for like 5 months and i can play solos!! its a great start!

  6. im learing it is really fun i hope you have fun

  7. yes a bunch of people have i mean i started at 13 and 2 years later im 15 and i am amazing  

    here is a few good tab sites

    have fun

  8. well i have tried to do it, and let me tell u, it takes ALOT of patience and persistence! If u are not a very patient person, i'd advise you to get lessons, but be carefull because they usually tend to be expensive!

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