
Has Aruba lost a lot of business since the disapperance of Natalie Holloway?

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Has Aruba lost a lot of business since the disapperance of Natalie Holloway?




  1. I'm a native who used to be a police officer in Aruba and moved to the states about 4 years ago.

    What happened with Natalie Holloway was very sad, it's always sad when someone dissapears under those type of circumstances.

    I recently got back from Aruba and can easily say that the economy is doing great. They've just constructed a brand new hotel, are building two more movie theaters, a new Parliament's office and tons of shopping malls are popping up everywhere. When I was there it took me two days to be able to rent a car (there's about 20 rental companies on the island) and all the rooms were booked solid.

    Aruba is so ready to put this behind them, if you ask them about the case, they sigh and shrug and change topics.

    Again, it was very unfortunate what happened and you can blame many people, but the fact of the matter is that Aruba is one of the, if not the, safest islands in the Caribbean. I live in CT right now and feel much safer walking outside at night in Aruba than I do here. People know this too so the economy will be just fine.

  2. I don't think couples or families have stopped going to Aruba but I think high schools are rethinking class trips to the island. Not only Aruba but other islands.

    Maybe they lost some business, it's almost two years now and people forget about what happened. I don't think we should punish the people of the island for what happened and stop going there and most people think the same way.

    Lots of high school/college age kids travel to Cancun and bad things have happened but they still go year after year.

    What happened to Natalie Holloway is very very sad.The authorities are to blame for this one. My heart goes out to the family and I have to hand it to them for putting pressure on the authorities. Hopefully, how they responded (slowly) won't happen again to someone else.


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