
Has Atlanta ran out of water yet, how much do you use of energy mister Al Gore?

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is anyone tired of global warming yet. and al gore telling us how to live when he does not walk the walk himself




  1. It's hilarious, isn't it?

    He spends over a grand a month on utilities and he wants you and me to switch out our light bulbs !

  2. Sick of it.  Their starting to call it climate change now, some places are haveing record lows. Just another attack on the middle class. They want are tax dollars.

  3. its the height of hypocrisy

  4. I used to live in Atlanta and from the water they had when I was there, no water would be better.  You could pour a glass of water out of the facet and there'd be oil colors on the surface of the water.  I couldn't bring myself to drink it.  Atlanta's water pipes are 100 years old and needed replaces more than 50 years ago.

    Al Gore doesn't care how much energy he wastes, they'll make more.  (his opinion)

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