
Has Barack Obama ever said that he is NOT Muslim?

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If so, can you provide me with the link to this vital bit of information.




  1. Only several hundred times, from church attendance, at the national convention and public appearances and in his book.

    You can read, can't you? If so, try reading his book and in it you'll see that he goes into great detail explaining his beliefs in his Christian faith.

  2. He did say he was a Christian in his big speech on religion early in the campaign. Personally, I think he is not a very orthodox one who has a very twisted interpretation of Scripture, but that is just a personal opinion.

    However, the issue I think is not so much if he is a Christian now, but is apparent refusal to acknowledge that he was at one time a Muslim. Being a Muslim back when he was a kid is no big deal, but lying about it and saying he was never a Muslim raises an eyebrow for me. It calls into question his basic honesty. I understand why he is doing it, as being a former Muslim post 9/11 might cost him votes but he is who and what he is and if his current message resounds with the people it should not matter that much.

  3. He has had to say it way too much, in fact.  Do you also need proof the earth isn't flat?

  4. I believe he's denied it, yes.

  5. He has denied it.  I will go look for the link.

  6. yes- he has.

    this is an old, dead untrue rumor. can't you smell the smear?

  7. i'm sure he has denied he is muslim. however he was muslim growing up and i'm not sure if anyone in america seems to know much about religion anymore, but muslims don't convert. and they will lie about their religion is what's scary. also, if he wasn't muslim, why would he have ties growing up and, to this day, to Odinga. a muslim terrorist group in kenya who rounded up Kenyan Christians, locked them in a church, and burned them alive. think i'm kidding? read about it on i'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote but if everyone's worried about our country being more liberal and end up voting obama into office, i'm afraid we won't have a country at all to be free in.

  8. How is it 'vital'??

    Btw, being Muslim does not mean Radical Terrorist.

    You should be more concerned with the Radical Christians here in the US.

    McCain claims he is 'saved' and Palin wants to force public schools to teach Creationism. That is unconstitutional.

  9. There is significant evidence that Sarah is a closet Muslim Terrorist bent on the destruction of the USA.

    First she was formerly a member of a political party dedicated to getting Alaska to Seceed from the Union.

    Second last Sunday she was offered a Ham sandwich and she turned it down!!!!

    So there ya go.  Ample proof for anyone to see the dangers of he being in any high office.

  10. Well, i'm just throwing this out there, but i kinda thought he was a Christian since he attended a Church

  11. He was raised by a white Christian mother.  By the way what does a person's religion have to do with anything?  So only young Christian and Catholic kids can dream of becoming president one day?  s***w that !

  12. yes he has. cant provide a link but i have heard him.

    but on the real thats got to be the "IGNORANT QUESTION OF THE DAY"

    what does it matter?


  13. I believe he should have said that silly people who does not recognize the concept of freedom of religion should keep their thoughts to themselves. What does it matter you should judge the person not the religion. Besides, he has always maintained that he is a Christian, so there...  

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