
Has Beth Ehlers joined AMC Yet ?

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Has Beth Ehlers joined AMC Yet ?




  1. yes i can't wait to see what comes of this storyline right

  2. Yep, she's playing an Iraqi war vet named Taylor Thompson.  She's likely to be paired with the anti-war Dr. Jake Martin (played by Ricky Paull Goldin)...  

  3. Yes they have only showed her a handful of times, here name is Taylor Thompson. They changed it from McBride b.c Lisa Rinna's character on MElrose place was called Taylor McBride. She was in Iraq with Frankie.

  4. She has.  She has only been in a few episodes so far, mostly running into Jake while out jogging.  Last time we saw her we found out she and Frankie knew each other from the military.  

  5. I dislike her as much as I dislike Annie (I hate to use the word "hate"). It should be "bye bye" to her and Annie. Also, I don't like the "new Jake." What happened to the old one?? Does anyone know??

  6. Yes, she's Taylor and she's being linked to Jake - at least for now.  

    She's Taylor McBride

  7. I saw her on there the other day with Frankie. It's so weird to see her play somebody other then Harley.  

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