
Has Big Business taken over our Republic?

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...leaving only the quaint impression that voting actually makes a difference?




  1. Our nation was built on money from the rich..think about it! It might have been imagrants who moved here to raise families in freedom and build their American dream..but in the background..old money has always been the basis of developing our cities.

  2. Yup, and we need to unite and fight big business. We can't sit there and believe everything these fools say, they don't worry about the average Joe. Thanks!

  3. Bought and paid for already, you just hearing this?

  4. Simply yes!!

  5. No, I don't think they've taken over at all.  I think that the special interest groups as a whole have too much power on both parties.

  6. Doc - you forgot the latest analogy!

    Thanks to the Iraq 'war', two corporations are taking over our republic as never before: Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. Both corporations have direct ties to the Bush-Cheney White House. -RKO-   09/26/07

  7. During the Teddy Roosevelt administration, it was Standard Oil (read: Rockefeller) and the rail roads.

    During the early years of FDR, it was banking and DuPont, later -- during the war years it was Keiser, Lockheed, GM, Douglas, Ford, Northrop, Grumman and a host of others.

    During the Carter administration through the Reagan era, it was Ma Bell.

    Clinton, it was MicroSoft, AT&T, WorldCom, Enron, Time/Warner and AOL.

    Big business is what employs America and it's what/who pays the bills.  Has been since the industrial revolution when this country moved away from agriculture and will continue to be until we move into a new era.

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