
Has Blu-ray won over HD-DVD?

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I'm not sure. Some people told me Blu-ray won, but I still see HD DVD's on sale everywhere.




  1. yeah. hd-dvd ceased development of discs beginning April 1st. They're just selling off all the ones that have already been made

  2. HD-DVD is over but that don't mean that Blu-Ray is going to stay.with the high cost of Blu-Ray it also can fail.

  3. I heard it did.  I believe it was announced a few weeks ago.  I guess youll still be able to buy the other stuff but I think blu-ray will be more prevelant from now on..

  4. Yes it has now we all gota go to blue-ray.

  5. yeah.

    that what going to happen.

  6. i would take blu-ray because their is to many D's in HD-DVD LOL!!

  7. Blu-Ray won; you see HDs as they are depleting stocks

  8. get a Playstation 3 not only will it play games it will be your DVD player as well   ps get the remote

  9. It's like what's going on with Hillary and Barack.  

    Obama is Blu-Ray and Clinton is HD-DVD.  HD-

    DVD has not given up, but it looks like Blu-Ray

    has the most backing from the industry, so...

  10. yes, is always has! idiot, d**n

  11. Yes, Blu-Ray Disc has won.

    The reason you see HD-DVDs on sale are because there's still inventory to get rid of, usually at considerable discount since there may not be many people who would buy HD-DVD products without cuts in price.

  12. And you still see VCRs and cassette players, DVD players and PSP movies on sale everywhere the oly real big difference is from VCRs to DVDs other than that I can't tell a difference between regular DVD players, HDDVDs, and Blu-ray.  Hope this helps.

  13. actually it has it has way more better quality(clearness) than hd tv i hav one it works very well

  14. HD-DVD is definitely Dead.  I just sold my HD-DVD player on Ebay myself.

    It's a shame since so many have forked out so much money for them over the past year.

  15. yep Microsoft is talking about making a xbox blu ray player

  16. Yes go the blue ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they are expensive but if you have a lot of money than go for it.

  17. yup...

  18. BLUE RAY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. Blu-ray won!!!!!!

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