
Has Bob Crow already drawn up his plans to hold London to ransom during the build up to the 2012 Olympics?

by Guest66419  |  earlier

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Just seen on the news that ASLEF are up to their old tricks on South Western!




  1. The question should rather be, are those promoting the 2012 Olympics holding the whole country to ransom with their ludicrously expensive plans for this nonsense. I should have thought, in direct answer to your question, that the ASLEF proposals have nothing whatsoever to with the Games, they relate to current pay negotiations with one TOC only.

  2. Who is Bob Crow?

  3. For starters Bob Crow has nothing to do with ASLEF he is the President of the RMT a completly different Union.

    As for the so called Ransom you speak of, I doubt it very much as no one can say which TOC's and Bus Companies will still be in control of the various buisnesses which run into London or if the London Mayor continues with an attempt at intergration of train services from outside of his control, then there could be a lot more trouble ahead, not just from the Unions.

  4. I doubt it, as the Olympics are still four years off, which is a long time in politics.

    I take issue with your assertion that ASLEF are up to "old tricks".  They are merely attempting to negotiate a reasonable pay rise, to compensate for the rising cost of living, particularly in relation to fuel/gas/electricity/food charges.  No doubt our esteemed Members of Parliament will be awarding themselves an inflation busting rise, quite apart from their outrageous expenses claims.

    Also, giving me a thumbs down does not mean I am wrong.

  5. You question isn't very clear as you talk of Bob Crow and ASLEF in the same phrase, confusing the two organisations.

    There are no ASLEF members "Up to there old tricks" as you put it. We don't go for tricks, all we would like is equality and fair working terms and conditions. If you had any idea what the job of a Train Driver entailed, then i'd imagine that you wouldn't be making aspertions regarding ASLEF members.

    As for what members of the RMT are "up to", I couldn't comment.

    As for the 2012 Olyimpics.....The whole country is up for ransom during the build up. How many good causes are now getting knocked back for lottery money and grant aid because the government is directing all of this money towards a giant circus?

  6. For a start, Crow has NOTHING TO DO WITH ASLEF - HE'S RMT ! ! !

  7. Livingstone will probably manage to get a 'no strike' deal with Crow provided there is a premium paid to RMT members etc.

    But the dispute on SWT could cause prolems because the Sailing events at the 2012 games are being held in Weymouth......which is on the line operated by SWT.

  8. Although both rail unions sometimes make unreasonable pay demands as is the case with ASLEF and SWT at present, politicians and Department of Transport civil servants are a far more destructive element in the smooth operation of the rail industry with their inability to formulate long term policies

    and investment decisions.

  9. I hope not, as Stratford International Station is just about complete (A head of the planned completeion time!!! Just shows that Network Rail can get the job done!!!!), just that if you was to get off the train there at the moment there would be nothing to goto as the shopping centre & Olympic site is not built.

    Also what or how can he cause chaos with National Express Anglia, and the Intergrated Kent Franchise through ASLEF Union, as Bob Crow is the boss is Boss of the RMT and cannot make ASLEF members strike!

    OK so you know the B Crow is not the boss of ASLEF!

    I only hope that by the time the Olmpics start that he is no longer incharge of the RMT...Look what he did last year where he caused a strike to hit LUL (London Underground Ltd for thoses who read this and are from other countries) over the Metronet issues & the loss of job, when TfL (Transport for London) had already come to an agreement that there would be no staff cuts, and that everyone who worked for Metronet would be tupeed back to TfL.

    But knowing Bob Crow he will find some sort of excuse during the mid week of the Olympics to call a strick and then make the UK look stupid!!!! (I hope not though!)

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