
Has Brett Farve retired again since he landed yesterday in Green Bay

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Has Brett Farve retired again since he landed yesterday in Green Bay




  1. Brat Favre has just sign an agreement with ESPN to start in "I Will Retire II" the saga continues  

  2. LOL

    Im ready for his retirement speech on ESPN ... u know with all the tears and what not... then on Friday he'll come back.. and retire again on Sunday :)

  3. Yes, he's retired from retiring.

  4. No..but ESPN and NFL Network talk WAY too much about it..It's irritating cuz thats all they talk about..  My opinion though is that he's bein selfish and messing up the Packers orginization...They already said they appreciated what Brett had done for the team and they must move on

  5. Yup, hes retired again

  6. No He Has Not  

  7. No not yet

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