
Has Britain's Olympic success caught the public imagination?

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The 'I'm not interested in the Olympics ... GO ON GO ON GO ON GO ON YES!' phenomenon?




  1. Well to be honest only to a certain group of people but The rest of the country is busy watching the football!

  2. Yes but let's hope it catches the television imagination.

    Note where we have won medals, in sports that have little or no television coverage.

    Isn't it about time we saw less football and athletics and more cycling and rowing etc.  

  3. I am very thrilled for them. I know they are working hard to put on a show in 2012 and really push for greatness there and judging by this years effort it seems to be paying off.

    My best friend is British, and she has been floored by how well they are doing. Seeing them in the top three on the medal tally last night was quite thrilling for her because it had been so long since they had done so well - something she had never seen before.

    I think it really will help to capture the coming spirit that they will need as the next host, and I know that my friend and one of her friends have been inspired to volunteer come 2012. She is naturally with some regret as an exploding chest ended her gymnastics career, but if she and her friend are anything to go by, I think you will find that the British spirit is now alive and well and I hope for them that it carries them well into 2012.

    I just wish they hadn't paid 400,000 pounds for the ugliest logo in the history of the Olympics..  

  4. I can't tell what other countries are doing good unless I research through the internet. I live in the U.S, so all I hear is news relating to Phelps and China.

  5. I will be impressed if the medal table for Britain is made up of individuals who have won through. As for the, so called games, like football, basket ball, rounders etc, well enough said these were just included to appease the ignorant masses in Europe and the USA.

  6. yeah i cant believe we're 3rd in the medal table

    this link is cool it lets you see whos won most medals in each sport

  7. Yes, certainly.  Once Team-GB start taking Gold, public interest lights up.  I can still remember our Girls Curling Team winning gold at the Winter Olympics [forget where] the interest was suddenly massive - people who had never heard of Curling suddenly became experts almost overnight avidly reading anything and everything on the subject.

    Duncan Goodhew [not sure of spelling] was on TV yesterday and he came out with a great remark, describing the Beijing Olympics as the Team-GB warm up for the 2012 London Olympics.

    Yeah - way to go - Gold and Glory.

  8. No i was interested in the Olympics from the off, and when i hear the national anthem being played for our gold medallists i am choked and feel really proud

    Proud Brit

  9. They have done well, but probably the only public imagination caught will be in britain

    people are not mind readers well at least i am not

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