
Has Britain gone completely bonkers?

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Have just heard on the TV news that they have tied foam padding round lamposts in Brick Lane, East London, to protect people from accidents whilst walking along and texting on mobiles. I can think of numerous other accidents that this untieable foam rubber will cause, and needless waste of local council resources. What's your opinion?




  1. Wot a waste of Money !!  mind you, I think the downfall

    of Britain, started  when they took the Golly off Robertsons

    Jam, so as not to  'offend' !!!    I am a 62 year old Widow

    and I reserve the right to say what I feel !!  so, **&^%(()"££

      ))(*$£)  )£$  to the Government !!  (feel better now ! Ta !)

  2. Thats the most pathetic thing i've ever heard of!

    What will they think of next............Watch this space!!! ;o) lol

  3. I have a better solution....make those idiots who can't walk and talk on a cell phone at the same time wear body padding!    Don't be so hard on your great, in the U.S., we have the same problem except, with our current president, we might be likely to solve the problem by sending those people to Iraq to talk and fight.

    Hmmm...I wonder if I can sue Countess (see name above) for her an American. I feel I have been caused a great deal of mental distress by virtue of her comment....let me phone my attorney..I'm sorry...I mean my solicitor.  LOL

  4. This sounds like a deliberate waste of money! It is that time of year.

    The most common budgetary "discipline" in use by government and local government departments is based on predictive budgets.

    The account holders predict their budget for the coming years, normally up to 5 years in advance. The budgets will include maintenance and project predictions. The auditors will conduct a rolling audit during the planning period.

    If one year shows a saving in expenditure, the next year is reduced by the same percentage, saved in the audit year!

    This means that supplementary budgets have to be submitted, to pre-empt shortfalls in the coming year. By the time these get approved, if they DO get approved, over half the planning year will have passed! Thus budgets WILL fall short!

    To avoid such inevitable shortfalls, governmental account holders always overestimate their planning budgets!

    In the final 2 months of the financial year, the account holders tot up where they are, in terms of expenditure, then spend any saving on a short term project. DEFRA, in the guise of the MPBW used to dig exploratory holes in roads,"to investigate wear and tear"! This one smacks of similar "budget adjustment".

  5. Well we can't have some American suing for £20 million in accidental damages.

  6. To say that Britain has gone bonkers is an understatement.

  7. i really cant cope with this country anymore. its beyond a joke. i think i'll start packing.

  8. Well said!. I agree. What next?

  9. I've just checked the date, all polite words fail me!

  10. In my opinion, I think it is time for your medicine!


    I retract my comment, I do apologise!!! I just found this:

  11. absolytley nuts

    (i cant spell)

  12. No.

    If you read the facts behind this move--

    , it makes more sense than the country going completely bonkers.

  13. They should have just tied cameras to the posts so we could all watch the texters crash ;)

  14. lol yep

    if your gonna start writing a text out then wouldn't it be a good idea to stand still and do it

    next they will be putting foam on buildings cos these silly people are looking down at their phones rather than look where they're going

    any one got a head ache from a text yet?


    what a waist of money

  15. Britain has been barking mad for as long as I can remember.  I mean, shin-pads for footballers  - just how sissy is that?

  16. Crazy!

  17. lol, they'll put foam round people next to protect them when they bump into people!

  18. Yes it has gone bonkers those who voted them at no10 they are the cause of every thing that has happened since they got in.

  19. Britain? Better safe than sorry.  Even though it sounds stupid, it'll still save people from being hurt.  maybe.

  20. Oh wow, I haven't heard of that one!  I think we are breeding a really really stupid country, I mean, whatever happened to survival of the fittest and smartest?

  21. Well, this made me laugh.  That is one plus side!

    Britain certainly is bonkers though.

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