
Has CBC Canada cow-towed to the Communist regime in China?

by Guest64804  |  earlier

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Their on-line newscast will not be available outside of Canada for the duration of the games in Beijing.. is this to help the Chinese Government from preventing it's citizens from seeing any "unfavourable" reports of the games or incidents related to it? I thought CBC were a reputable and reliable organisation.. shame really like everything Canadian, all fakery and facade.




  1. At least they aren't so biased with their reporting as the American media.  I also disagree with your comment that everything Canadian is fakery and facade.  I would much rather again watch CBC then CNN  and the other American media with its constant pro U.S.  spin on the news.

  2. It's always been that way with the CBC. Are you surprised? Ever since it began, it's been rife with censorship and Canadians see what they're told to see about the rest of the world.

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