
Has CNN become an offshoot of the democratic party?

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If you look closely at CNN, you will notice that most of everybody has an extreme leftist mentality. I don't watch CNN anymore, on the contrary, I find myself drawn to the increasingly unbiased fox news, which I had previously concidered a 2nd rate channel. It seems now there has been an upset. CNN seems like an extreme leftist rally of the like of liberal a******s such as sean penn and other hollywood liberal extremists well documented in the history books of the intellectually minded...or such media- like thedailykos,com type of material. But they have done it in a way that spreads the message of the democratic party, basically becoming a conduit for the party itself.

And this is in no way sneaky or trying to do something hypocritically, they ARE an offshoot of the democratic party or at least everybody knows they are as unbiased as h**l, so that must not be helping their ratings. I mean, its not like they hide it, or if they think they are hiding it, they must be really dumb...because I am sure that if unbias would have a rating for CNN and other liberal news channels it would probably be lower than congress or the so loathed President Bush, which CNN is nothing but obliged to criticize. your thoughts below.




  1. Pretty much. In so far as the anti America mass media wishes to destroy America. The democrat party also wishes to destroy America so we will allow ourselves to become a communist country and a police state. So far this seems to be working pretty well. People are clamoring for more government to solve all our "problems."

  2. I wouldn't necessarily consider Fox News unbiased... but I do prefer their programming to CNN.  My favorite thing to do when there's nothing on is to flip between the 2 channels and compare what's airing on each of them. 9 times out of 10 CNN has some Obama story running...

  3. best laugh of the week...."increasingly unbiased Fox News"....have you ever tried standup?

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