
Has David Reuitiman made the #44 UPS team better?

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Have a great weekend!!




  1. I think what he can anyways with that team.  Id love to see him move to RCR next year. Hes a great racer who deserves a better team.

  2. Certainly, without a doubt!

  3. yes he does!!

  4. I think he has, although Dale was a great driver in his time, he needed to step out of the car.  David is a great driver in c**p equipment and an issue with sponsors not wanting him (reference to UPS looking to go else where).  I would love to see David in a quality ride to see what he can really do.

  5. DW gets excited about anything

  6. I believe that David has been an asset to the team but in my opinion he would be better off with another team with better equipment; this is not to say that Dale Jarrett was not a good driver but the last few years he has not had the equipment to win and he knew when to bow out gracefully..will miss him greatly!

  7. Without a doubt, David is the real deal.  I don't think he will make it at MWR long enough to make the chase in one of Mikey's cars but he definitely makes them better.  Dale was one of the classiest guys in the garage but he just didn't have the fire anymore.  Reut is very ambitious and determined to win races in the future.  He was decent last year and is noticeably improved again this year.  Good luck on the NN league and you have a great weekend too!  UPS should stick with this kid for one more year at least, I have heard that Carl Edwards might be getting them as his sponsor next year.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  8. Yes

  9. If you listening to DW you would think so...I say Reuti is doing okay. No he will never be Dale Jarrett in the UPS car, Reuti needs to just concentrate on his own stats, don't even think about trying to pass Dale Jarrett, heck Reuti is already 38 y/o.. I just do not ever see him being great. but I think he can pull off some wins maybe, its the equipment Superdave that bothers me, MWR needs to step it up. I like Reuti, I was cheering my tail off last yr when he got that Nationwide win.. Reuti is a great guy, good christian southern boy, I wish him the best..MWR, kick it up a notch Reuti can do UPS Brown proud..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  10. I really think he did.

  11. Yeah!  Much!  He's a good driver!  I feel like he's done very well, and will do even better!

  12. Dave !!

    D.W swears on his life., that he has !!  He'll try and have ya believe that Reuitiman is the best driver out there !

    You'd think ole Reuiti was his son !!  lol

  13. Yes and I think he will get better with a better car, but he will never fill Dale's shoes, or be able to drive the big brown truck, it may be too much for him to handle, ha ha

  14. Heck yea,,, David is an improving young talent.  Lets face, Dale was washed up.

  15. David had the #00 in the top 35 and then brought the #44 back into it or so I believe, I have not checked the owners points as of recent. David is a very good driver and with the right equipment is capable of top 15s every week and with a little more experience, top 10s and wins.

  16. i guess the real question is, better than what?  he is getting better finishes and doing well overall. i don't know that he has made the team any better - it's still a second-tier team - but he is getting good finishes.

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