
Has Drug Cheating Tarnished All winners At the Games?

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Can we trust what our heroes? Is it time to introduce a lifetime Ban automatically, and not after they come back after a compulsory two year ban. Ukraine athlete. time to restore trust.




  1. Yes, Phelps drug use has tarnished all winers at the games.

  2. Yeah drug cheating has tarnished all winners. You just can't be sure anymore.

    Look at Marion Jones, a US national hero, multiple gold medalist. I think Flo Jo was a confirmed cheat too? I also have serious doubts about Michael Johnson.So glad his 200m record is gone. Who knows maybe his medals will be stripped in the future too.

    The other problem is that big countries have the resources now to develop drug masking agents. Unfortunately therefore true natural ability seems to count for little these days...  

  3. Don't point finger to the whole country when just one or two their competing athletes have been tested positive. America has a long history of dropping too, is it the time for them to restore trust?

    I think we trust them until they get caught for drug cheating or just don't care at all.

  4. Only if you consider taking drugs to be wrong.  Personally, I say let them take whatever they want - it's all about maximisng the potential of the human body to run, swim, lift etc.  Cheating is catching a taxi for the marathon, not popping a pill.  

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