
Has Favre damaged his legacy!

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Years from now will all of this drama overshadow his acomplishments?




  1. No, his legacy will always be that of a great QB, the media made a way bigger thing of this than it actually was.

  2. He's always been  a great QB for the Packers, he was first drafted by the Falcons in 1991, which wasn't a particularly good thing for Favre, and then traded to the Packers where after a shaky start became their starting QB. He's played with the Packers for 16 years, and done very well, winning 3 AP MVP's and a ring in Superbowl XXXI. So to answer your question, no I don't believe he's damaged his legacy, I think that like Michael Jordans switch the the Wizards, this will just set in stone Favre's legacy as being one of the best QB's in NFL history. I look forward to watching him play in every game (except the two that he plays my team:-(...) why oh why couldn't he have gone to Tampa Bay?!?! Good Luck Favre, thanks for the years!  

  3. Not completely, but somewhat, yes.

  4. No!!!! I Would Have Brett As My QB Any Day Of The Year At Any Age!!!!! He's The Best To Throw The Ball!!!!!!

  5. No of course he hasn't .. funny thing about being part of the human race, we forget things very quickly.. in 3 years we will have forgotten all about the Farve fiasco... Do you remember what happened to Montana when he was traded.,.... not to much!

  6. nope, did Joe Montana ruin his legacy? did Emmit Smith ruin his legacy? The answer is no, no matter what Brett Favre does this year his legacy will remain intact.

  7. im pretty sure joe montana did the same thing, albeit w/o all the drama, and his legacy remains untarnished, only time will tell w/ favre

  8. If he gets injured, its going to look very bad on Favre. But to have his legacy damaged, no way. I agree he should of stayed retired and not come back late, but   Favre loves the game. He   has accomplished way too much, for all this   drama to mess up his legacy.

  9. yes he has. i will always remember him as a sensitive none trusty crying babe media lover.

    Wendi Nix, Rachel Nichols and Chris Mortensen need to take a year away from football. every time i see them i remember the whole saga again

  10. I do think he has put  a bit of a dent in it; and it will be an even bigger one if he has a losing season...

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