
Has GOD's timeclock the 7 yr tribulation begun this year in 2008?

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Revelation 8:1When the lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour...1/2 is 3.5 years..

The exact phrase, 1/2 hour suddenly receives multiple additional references. With an hour holding 7 Bible Minutes, the expression means 3.5 minutes, or 3.5 times. This is the same expression used throughout much of the rest of the Bible's prophetic passages, only here it is at a micro scale.

The sun has reached a milestone not seen for nearly 100 years: an entire month has passed without a single visible sunspot being noted.

In 2005, a pair of astronomers from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson attempted to publish a paper in the journal Science. The pair looked at minute spectroscopic and magnetic changes in the sun. By extrapolating forward, they reached the startling result that, within 10 years, sunspots would vanish entirely. At the time, the sun was very active. Most of their peers laughed at what they considered an unsubstantiated conclusion.

The journal ultimately rejected the paper as being too controversial.

The paper's lead author, William Livingston, tells DailyTech that, while the refusal may have been justified at the time, recent data fits his theory well. He says he will be "secretly pleased" if his predictions come to pass


Here is the second half

The second 3 1/2 years start with the Abomination of Desolation: The Antichrist invades Israel and sets himself up as god in the temple in Jerusalem, eliminating all Jewish worship around the world. He occupies Jerusalem for 3 1/2 years.




  1. You have a war in Ezekiel 38 that must take place first,

    and Damascus in Syria will be a ruinous Heap,

    so when these happen first, then you need to look up,

    as your redeemtion draws nigh.

  2. No, the Tribulation will begin in the fall (sept-oct).  This didn't happen this past fall and is not likely this year.  There will be 7-10 days between the Rapture and the Tribulation.  Most likely the event that marks the beginning of the Tribulation will be the destruction of the United States by Russia.  The sacrifice will be reinstated shortly after the beginning of the tribulation ( remember the sacrifice is taken away at the midpoint?) which means there has to be a Temple or at least an altar set up.

  3. Yes,

  4. But if it is a "great tribulation", there has to be what I would think of as "tribulation" for the earth's inhabitants.

    In fact, Jeremiah 25:33 says the tribulation will cause death from one end of the earth to the other. Zephaniah 1:18 repeats this sentiment.

    Matthew 24:21 says that unless the tribulation was cut short, no one would survive.

    How do either of the events mentioned fit the description of the Biblical "great tribulation"?

  5. The sun has reached a milestone not seen for nearly 100 years: an entire month has passed without a single visible sunspot being noted.

    If that happened 100 years ago why is it so much more important now.Was it because the people that were around then are dead and new ones are taking there place and we have the internet so we can talk about it more.

  6. I believe it's possible.

    I think Jesus will return in my lifetime.

  7. You worried for nothin. We wont see much of 09!

  8. Omg! I'm going to Tibet NOW!!

  9. No.

  10. What does sunspots, light, have to do with silence, sound? Besides which it's the first time in over 100 years, not the first time ever.

  11. sigh

  12. No, i think more progress would have to have been done in relation to Israel obtaining the temple mount and such.  

  13. You've done some great research.  I love it!  But honestly, it would be too hard (and arrogant) of us to say we know for sure.  Nothing stopping us for guessing - but my guess personally is that God has a few people left that have to be born and stand for his truth before the Tribulation starts.

    Plus, then who is the anti-christ?  Obama?  Lol.  I don't think so.

  14. get caught up in jesus christ not the end. we already know what happens GOD win.if your pretrib than your wrong you should already be gone.

  15. nothing has started, because the rapture has not started yet.

  16. I don't think so.

    Seriously, Christians cannot even agree on the tribulation, so I tend to not take any of the claims to heart -- if the group purporting the 'facts' cannot agree on what those 'facts' are, I tend to be skeptical

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