
Has George Bush been drinking a lot more lately?

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I have noticed lately that his words seem to slurr just a little more than usual...




  1. You have a stronger stomach than I.   I can neither look at it or listen to it.

  2. Glad to see you haven't abandoned the politics of personal destruction.

  3. Wow, not sure if that question is a good thing being that you guys have run out of bad stuff to say about him or if i should be worried because people like this actually vote

  4. No Frank, you got s h i t  in your ears.

  5. Lol, typical liberal character assassination, and completely untrue.  Good thing you're too young to vote - either that, or you are a very very stupid 18+ year old

  6. I don't think so. He has always been a lush. If he seemed stressed during his press conference yesterday (timed to knock the Congressional hearings off the air, which it did) it was because he had hurt himself earlier in the day. He accidently cut himself, and lost a lot of blood.

  7. typical

    just more liberal HATE and is all they have...hate and lies.

  8. He is just celebrating Obama adopting his Iraq policy finally, except now Obama may stay there longer. Bush was ready to start pulling out this year. Obama now said it will take at least two more years.

  9. My information is that he is a teetotaler, and doesn't drink at all.  He may well just be tired; the Presidency is not a trivial job.

  10. Look how freaky your picture is! I'm sure you look like that too! Including a Fannie pack!

  11. As a dry alcoholic dumbya frequently shows the signs of drinking.Before you 27%ers go ballistic,yes he is a recovering alcoholic.

    1/20/2009 can't come soon enough. I can't believe rational people support him.

  12. I don't think he ever slowed down.  

    What's he done now?


  13. did you catch his talk with the media yesterday?  it sounded like he was depressed and ready to kill himself.

  14. Maybe you need your meds checked..........

  15. is that the best you got?  what an idiot

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