
Has Gordon Brown priced the Labour party out of existance?

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The British people cannot afford the "luxury" of the Labour party.

Taxation, inflation and reckless Government spending mean the population is being bled dry by the Labour party.

The only people who support the party appear to be those on the gravy train, the rest just dig deeper to fund their lifestyle.

Does this sound the death knell for the Labour party who will once removed from power disappear forever?




  1. Labour have done what Labour always does, Tax and spend. Ignore the "new" its meaningless spin.

  2. The Labour party has gone from helping the poor, to encouraging the poor to not work and sponge off the state. They have taken Britain into huge amounts of debt, and are taxing us to death under the cover of "green taxes" to pay for it. Like the £3billion they spent fixing the 10p fiasco, which they had to borrow the money for!!! The government doesn't have a clue, and they think the ordinary people are stupid, and that we actually believe the lies they are feeding us. They take away our money and our freedoms, and expect us to acquiesce??

    If the recent by-elections are anything to go by, where they came below the lib-dems, then yes, they are going to lose any general election, and not only lose, but not even be the main opposition.

  3. Do you remember interest rates of 15% under the tories?

    HAve a mortgage with that and yuo'll know what the cost of living is all about.

  4. I agree, its the reckless spending which never actually leads to anything constructive.

  5. I hope so

  6. i am now ashamed to say i did vote labour, i am proud to say i will not vote labour again

    regards x kitti x

  7. it goes way!! beyond the money. they have proved them selves to be liars, deceivers and legalised thieves. as well as so utterly incompetent in every single department. but then hiring your MPs for ethnic and gender balance rather than ability to do the job is what has destroyed this country. look at the state of the home office. it is a laughing stock around the world...... where's Bin laden....he's got a job cleaning the home office etc etc. the labour party's lies and deception have dishonoured Britain in the eyes of the world. they have also flooded our country with the most dangerous and socially poisonous people in the world . and now as a final act of treachery they have sold our country out to a huge n**i style dictatorship. if there was any true justice in this country, Tony Blair would be handed to the Iraqis for trial. and the labour party would be rounded up as a whole and tried for treason.

  8. New Labour have had their day, but then your going to get

    New Conservatives. Same Spin, Same Lies, Same Greed, Different name , Same Party

  9. OH YES!! The unelected and unelectable SWINE has only one objective - that is to FU*K the BRITS. HE is a FRIGG*N PHSYCOPATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. No. They will rise again. Unfortunately.

  11. new labour are the party of inept deluded policies & a tax & waste finiancial record.

    I know I can not afford for them to be in power like the majotrity of the electorate.

    The tax payer is paying for their quality of life to drop!

  12. The questioner is correct!The British public cannot afford the luxury of either Labour or the Incompetent Gordon Brown!

    This is the price;We as ordinary individuals have to pay when a complete inadequate,incompetent political fool takes control of a nation!

    How much further damage can this idiot do is not worth mentioning!When will Frank Field and Jim O'Donnell rid us of this 'World Laughing Stock'!!

    Now is the time for strong political men and women to stand up and be counted!Whist there is still time!

  13. NO, as much as I would like to see then vanish completely the British electorate have short memories. People forgot about how bad Labour were back in the 70's yet elected them in 1997 with a massive majority, then what happens? Labour S**t on us again, if this Govt are so despised by the public how come they were re-elected in 2001 and 2005?

    After the illegal invasion of Iraq New Labour should have been ousted in 2005 but people have very short memories and are quite shallow that their votes can be bought with only the littlest lie and tinyest false promise.

    Because of the way the British Electorate is I would not be supprised if Zanu-Labour were to win again in 2010, even with things getting as bad as they are the Electorate is guilliable, foolish and dare I say stupid enough to have forgotten how bad it is by 2010.

    I don't want another Labour Govt in 2010, but I can see it happening. Things has been on the decline since 2000 and we have had 2 times to get them out and it never happened, whats gonna change come the next election? nothing.

  14. The trouble is the country has done well out of this government particularly in the early days people didn't complain when house prices rose they made a profit ,car tax was lowered for small cars, etc etc people had good wages and enjoyed fantastic holidays new cars every Tom d**k and Harry were able to buy not just their own home but bought several houses and rented them out at high rents.Now the good days have to be paid for unfortunately it is the little man/woman who will pay, the rich who have become richer will just up all his prices and the poor man pays. As much as I am appalled at what Labour have done please remember Thatcher and her government do we want Cameron now with the same mentallity. He pontificates and criticises Brown promises the future under Tories will be good don't be fooled the only people to benefit under Tories will be the rich the poor will definitely not. I get sick of hearing Brown criticised if he is given a chance as PM I believe he will come through the people who want him out are Blairites who want to cast a shadow over Brown ( it is obvious Blair did things when in power that were against Brown and I believe he does not want Brown to succeed even if it means Labour lose the next election then we can watch out because then things will be really bad. I still feel that Labour need to retirn to Old Labour because New Labour is too full of Conservatives purporting to be Labourites .

    Labour fight for the poor whilst Conservatives look after the rich,it's  time to get rid of the rich self serving power happy people in the Labour party.The trouble is people like Kinnock Mandleson Blair who took cushy jobs after government damaged the party and all those who took titles and crossed over to the Lords.If the Labour party does not tighten the reigns on some of it's members it will no longer be the party of  the working class it will just be the same as Tories.In your Q you say the Labour government have bled the people dry well I am in my fifties have lived under Old Labour new Labour and the Tories labour are bad but please believe me the Tories will really bleed the poor man look at Thatcher

    I hope the  electorate gives Brown a chance as PM ( not as chancellor)then if he makes a mess fair enough also remember some of the problems we experience now are world problems not his fault they would be the same whoever was in. we must judge him on domestic issues not world issues.I believe he is a man who is not a "celebrity "just wants to get on with the job he is a worker of the family the worker his one problem is he has some people in his government who do not back him.

  15. yes i think your right. one of the problems with the labour party is they always spend to much and end up over taxing the majority to pay for it.this is an historical fact. the opposition doesn't win power ,the government loses it. also i think people are not so stupid as politicians think, they remember the feud between Blair and brown and they don't trust browm, probably see him as disloyal in some way . so i will be surprised if they win power again for a while.

  16. Yes, as have all previous labour govts.

    Marky - you are obviously  labour luvvie - interest rates under the tories of 15% - wind the clock back a few years and remember the rate of 27% under labour.  He who lives in glass houses..........................

  17. Gordon Brown.....Texture like Sun.

    Lays me down.....with my mind she runs...



  18. Gordon Brown has made the Labour Party Unelectable at the next Election, and will have ousted the Labour Party out of Existance for many years to come.

  19. No, they may well be ousted at the next election but in my experience the voters in this country forget all too quickly and so eventually they will be back to destroy whatever has been built up in their absence! This particular shambolic group are though possibly the most profligate in the history of our once great country. They have destroyed law and order, education, family life, the church, immigration policies, farming, fishing, construction, engineering - in fact every d**n thing which used to make us GREAT BRITAIN! What on earth makes immigrants want to come and work here?

  20. Exactly right, and they have even bankrupted themselves as a party too !! In fact, if they don't give into the hardline unions on picketing etc this autumn they won't get any funding at all apart from the odd cranky businessman (i'd be surprised if there are many of those after New Labour's stewardship of the economy in recent years !!).

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